Check my online training courses

Scale & Grow Your Business and Double Your Income in a Year

Pick the Training that is most important to your Success right now!

Tineke's Supreme Online Training Programs

3 Months Business Coaching

For everyone who loves to work in a group and learn from one another.
For those who want to set up systems to create a consistent flow of new leads in their business
And for those who want to close those leads and generate a LOT more income in the next 3 months.
This is your program, where you will work closely with me and the rest of the group to scale and grow
your business massively in the next 3 months so you finally can pay yourself WELL and can show your
friends and family how well your business is doing.

Heal Your Business

Heal Your Business

When you have been trying out a lot to make your business grow and things just don’t seem to work out. You lose your drive or fun in doing business. You might want to go back to finding a job. There could well be something else at stake. You are not taking aligned action. Some emotional conditioning is running the show and you are not aware of it.

The job won’t run away but wouldn’t you want to seek for the root cause? You might be THAT close to success.

Find Your Money Power Type

Have you ever wondered how people make money effortlessly?

And how you have to work hard making money, and there never seems to be as much as you want. It is imperative to be in alignment with your easiest ways of making money. You need to know what your Money Power Type is. The training will include many exercises and training videos.

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money power type
Maixmum Business growth for women

Maximum Business Growth For Women

The book has its online training with many training videos on all nine areas of the Women’s Blueprint For Business Success. When you want to give your business a massive boost in all areas before the end of the year, this training will make an enormous shift for you.

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How To Outsource With
Confidence And Ease

Do you do everything on your own? That is NOT the way to Scale & Grow your business.? Do you believe it is easier and faster when you do everything, or do you think it is cheaper to do it yourself, or you had bad experiences in the past?
Delegating is an art on its own it is, besides automation, it is the most crucial way to free up a lot of time. I’ll show you where and how to find (cheap) people. Hire and train them and so much more.
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How To Outsource With Confidence And Ease

Claim Your Money Power

Money makes the world go round. You love or don’t love the quote, and the way you look at it can determine how well you’ll do financially. The training is about money and emotions, which is essential in how it flows your way. And when it flows your way, you need to manage it well.
This training works on both aspects.

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How to Turn Your Facebook Profile into a Lead-Magnet

When you are on Facebook, I assume you also love to get business through Facebook. It all starts with having a profile that is a lead magnet towards your ideal clients.
Your ideal clients are already checking you out on Facebook, but you can’t see that.
Your profile HAS to be a lead magnet, otherwise, ALL your hard work on FB is in vain. How to create an attractive FB profile? I will teach you in this program.

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Tineke's books

Tineke wrote 2 books. One paperback and one online book. You can benefit with these books from all her wisdom.

You can buy our books here.

Book Maximum Business Growth For Women

This is the English translation of Tineke’s first book. Over 25 years of business experience speaks with lots of practical and hands-on tips to implement into your business straight away.

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Restore Your Cashflow Fast

For everybody who wants to have some extra cash in their business, this Ebook has lots of tips on managing your money and creating extra money fast.

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Grab your FREE RESOURCES here

How Scalable is your business

Do You Want To Find Out How Scalable Your Business Is?

Quizzes are fun, aren’t they? Do you want to find out how scaleable you and your business are? Take the quiz. Answering the questions will also give you lots of insights into what you can do to improve your business in every way—sales, team, automation, and so much more.

Click on the button to check out more.

3-Day Challenge How To Outsource

In 3 days, you will get lots of free tips on finding people to delegate to when you want to start the Scale & Grow your business.  Click on the button to find out more and get immediate access.

When you want to go into detail and start hiring your first team member (VA or otherwise), please buy the training How to Outsource with confidence and ease since that gives you EVERY detail from screening to hiring, tools, and delegating.

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3-day challenge

Powerful Money Type Assessment

Do you want to find out how you are wired around money? Take this free assessment, which works best on your computer. You will get the results through email. When you want to work with the Money Power Types, online training is a better choice.

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LinkedIn has an abundance of potential clients for you. In this free webinar, I share my strategies with you. I’ve kept them secret for a long time. But my goal to support women to create a bigger business is bigger than keeping my successful strategies a secret. That is why I created this webinar, where I show you our 3 best working strategies to get a consistent flow of new clients on LinkedIn.

Click on the button to check out more.

Want to get to know Tineke first?

Downloadable Free – PDF’s

130 automation book

130 Automation Tools For Female Entrepreneurs

With over 1400 downloads, this is our best free Ebook. This guide contains an enormous amount of automatons tools and platforms, In various categories and when I work with them, I also give you my personal opinion and why, how and where we use it. 

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How Women Do Business

When you want to compare yourself with other businesswomen, this Free report is excellent to have. It will give you inside into how businesswomen operate. The results in the report are from a study where nearly 400 businesswomen gave their answers.

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How women do business
60 business quotes for businesswoman

60 Inspirational Business Quotes

I created so many quotes over the years on social media that I decided to select my favourite ones and create an Ebook about them.
Every quote has its page. Every page has some of my best business tips related to the quote. The Ebook is beautifully designed

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45 Areas to Work on When Scaling & Growing Your Business

It is THE system every business women needs to use when she wants to scale and grow her business with 45 sub-areas that you need to work on when you are serious about growing your business.

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blueprint for women

Scale & Grow Blog

Tineke writes weekly blog articles about the 9 areas and the 45 subareas of the Women’s Blueprint to Business Success. There are over a 100 articles for you to read.

questions to ask your business coach

20 questions you should ask a business coach

What does a baby have in common with your business and with business coaches?Well for many of us our business is like another child to us….

3 Important Values For Successful Businesswomen

3 Important Values For Successful Businesswomen

We have all heard about the difference between a leader and a boss – one teaches you and tells you why, and the other simply tells you what to do….

Automation tools

10 Tools to Automate Your Business for Female Entrepreneurs

Automation can simplify your business management and save you time. Business growth for women takes clever tools to help simplify the time and effort….

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Vosmaerstraat 37, 2651 AX, Berkel en Rodenrijs, Netherlands