Blueprint To Become Successful

A stable cash flow is the backbone of a female-owned business. Many females turn to entrepreneurship to follow their dream but sadly, 9 out of 10 startups fail. The main reason for this failure is not earning enough money.

You need to generate enough income out of your business to meet your expenses as well as to pay back the money to your investors. If your business is not making enough money, you would not be able to get investments. Your expenses will not be met and your business would crash. You would most likely fail as a female entrepreneur.

Another reason for failure is that money is considered a taboo topic and most women are not comfortable talking about it. According to a study, 80 percent of women admit to not discussing money-related topics with their family and friends. This is mostly because

  • You feel vulnerable while discussing money-related issues
  • you have a lack of confidence

But whatever the reason is, talking about money is crucial for a female entrepreneur and it should be encouraged.



How Does Your Subconscious Define Your Relationship With Money?

Your subconscious affects how you deal with money and everyone’s subconscious is different. Your habits and behaviors regarding money are determined by your money power type. There are 8 money power types. Each of them have their own strengths and weaknesses. For example, an accumulator is great with money but they are prone to being too strict with money and neglecting their basic needs.

You should be aware of your money power type to know your strengths and weaknesses. Knowing your money power type will help you make better financial decisions. Your businesses will grow rapidly and you will succeed as a female entrepreneur.

To know more about your money power type, you can consult a business coach for women. Your business coach for female entrepreneurs will also guide you on how to grow your business efficiently.


A Fool And His Money Are Soon Parted.

Money should be used cautiously. If you are someone who doesn’t think twice before spending, you would lose all the money you have. You should make good financial decisions to make the most out of the money you have. As a female entrepreneur, it is extremely important to cut down on unnecessary expenses.


Money Doesn’t Grow On Trees.

You may have heard this phrase many times in your life but what does it mean? This refers to the value of money. Earning money is not an easy task, it requires constant effort. You need to be patient. You may undergo many hardships, but you need to face and defeat them. So, you should value money and never take it for granted.

Female Entrepreneurs


It Takes Money To Make Money.

This phrase is quite popular among investors and business owners. It means that you need to invest some money to earn money. The more you invest, the more you earn.


What You Believe Is What You Get:

Your mindset and your beliefs play a really important role in your career as a businesswoman. With the right set of beliefs and a good mindset, you will be able to make wise financial decisions and your business will flourish. For example, if you believe in the phrases “A fool and his money are soon parted” or “ It takes money to make money”, you will be subconsciously programmed to save money rather than spending it on unnecessary things. You would rather invest that saved money in your business and gain profit from it.

Blueprint To Become Successful

However, if you think money doesn’t grow on trees, you will work hard and be persistent. This will also help your business grow.

But how do you know what is a good financial mindset? Hiring a business coach for women will help you with just that. Your business coach for women will also help you build the right set of beliefs to make good decisions.

To avoid getting the wrong idea by a business coach for female entrepreneurs, you may read this blog.


Summing It Up:

Every business needs proper planning and certain skills to ensure its growth. Having a blueprint makes this process super easy. It guides you about the skills you need to have and the important steps you need to take to keep your business on track. So, knowing your blueprint is essential to keep your business going.

Many people would love to believe that money is not important for running a business. But this is far from the truth. Money is an extremely crucial part of business whether you like it or not. You need to manage your money better and generate a stable cash flow to grow your business.



To know more about how your subconscious affects your relationship with money, you should join the masterclass which is discussed below in the learn more section.


Learn More

 If you’re a female entrepreneur looking for extra knowledge and expertise look for a good business coach for women because there are many out there who never even had their own business. This advice could make or break your business.

How do you know if someone is a good business coach for women?

Check out this article about the 20 questions you should ask a business coach for female entrepreneurs.

My name is Tineke Rensen and I am a business coach for women. I host monthly masterclasses about various business topics.

The next masterclass is at 13th of April. The topic of the next masterclass will be: What is your relationship with money. You can check it out here.

 Try it out!

 For the first class, you only pay 1 euro ($1,20), so it is safe for you to check me out. Afterward, you decide if you’ve learned something and whether you want to continue to become a member for 47,- euro/month (with a lot of extra benefits). Or you move on.

 Or, if…… you want to take it a step higher and work with me one-on-one to build your one-woman gig to a proper business. Click here now to get started.

About the author:

Tineke Rensen

Tineke Rensen, from Powerful Business Academy, is in business for 31 years. She built an international Outdoor and Survival business from scratch and sold this after 22 years. Tineke was a national whitewater kayaking champion.

She now is one of the most all-round business accelerators and mentors you can find. She helps businesswomen to “Scale & Grow, Make More Impact And Work Less”. There are very few topics she cannot help you with, in your business. Many people find this hard to believe, but hey how much do you think you know about scaling businesses if you live it day and night for 31 years?

Tineke created the system “A Women’s Blueprint To Business Success”. She is a multi-award winning, serial entrepreneur and she is the author of the book “Maximum Business Growth For Women




Female Entrepreneurs

The number of female entrepreneurs has been increasing since a decade. According to a survey, Central and Eastern Europe have reported 919 female-owned start-ups in the year 2020.

Starting a business requires certain qualities and skills. To grow your business, you need to have a certain plan in mind. If you don’t, then we have the perfect blueprint to keep your business on track. This business blueprint is specially designed to execute your business strategically and has 8 components. The first step is your mindset. To know more about your mindset, you should find out your money power type.


Being a female entrepreneur is all about seizing opportunities and making life-changing decisions. Although this may seem pretty easy, the reality is quite the opposite. You may always be asking yourself whether you are making the right decision or not.

Don’t worry. We have the perfect solution for this problem. To make this process easy, you should know about your money power type. But what are money power types? What are the different categories of money power types? Why are they so important?

What Is Meant By “Money Power Type”?

A power type is how we perceive things in life. It also refers to the pattern or structure of our behavior. Everyone is subconsciously programmed to deal with money differently. Your habits regarding money determine your money power type. So, your money power type plays an important role in your life as a female entrepreneur.

Female Entrepreneurs


How Many Money Power Types Are There?

Most of our financial decisions are made subconsciously according to our money power types. 8 different classifications of money power types are listed below:

  • Connector
  • Accumulator
  • Alchemist
  • Romantic
  • Celebrity
  • Nurturer
  • Maverick
  • Ruler

Do you find yourself being service-oriented? Or maybe your loved ones always come to you for financial advice? You may be a nurturer. Nurturers love helping others with their problems. They are also known as responsible, detail-oriented, and practical. They never fail to accomplish a task and have great organization skills.

However, if you are known for your frugal lifestyle, you may be an accumulator. This money power type is great with money. Saving money is a piece of cake for them. They fear being financially dependent on others. This fear drives them to save money efficiently.

To find out more about money power types, you may consult a business coach for female entrepreneurs. With that being said, you should avoid paying your business coach for female entrepreneurs upfront. To find out why you can click here to view our blog about this topic.

Female Entrepreneurs

How Can Knowing Your Money Power Type Help You As A Female Entrepreneur?

The most important part of owning a business is effective planning and decision-making. However, there are many times when your decisions fail to give expected results. It leads to disappointment and a loss of time and money. As a businesswoman, you need to make wise financial decisions that align with your money power type.

Knowing about your money power type can tell you about your strengths and weaknesses. This will help you in making better financial decisions. For example, if you are a maverick, you are good at taking calculated risks and love jumping from one thing to another. However, your competitive nature and taking too many risks can harm you in many ways. So, you should avoid taking too many risks.

Summing It Up

As a business owner, knowing your weaknesses and strengths is helpful. You can figure out your weaknesses and strengths by taking a money power type assessment. Your money power type influences every financial decision you make. You should be aware of your type to be able to make wise decisions in terms of money. For more precise decision-making, you may contact a professional in the field like a business coach for women or a business coach for female entrepreneurs to be more specific.

Female Entrepreneurs



 Learn More

If you’re a female entrepreneur looking for extra knowledge and expertise look for a good business coach for women because there are many out there who never even had their own business. This advice could make or break your business.

How do you know if someone is a good business coach for women?

Check out this article about the 20 questions you should ask a business coach for female entrepreneurs.

My name is Tineke Rensen and I am a business coach for women. I host monthly masterclasses about various business topics.

The next masterclass is at the 13th of April. The topic of the next masterclass will be: Creating a thriving profitable relationship with money. You can check it out here.

 Try it out!

 For the first class, you only pay 1 euro ($1,20), so it is safe for you to check me out. Afterward, you decide if you’ve learned something and whether you want to continue to become a member for 47,- euro/month (with a lot of extra benefits). Or you move on.

 Or, if…… you want to take it a step higher and work with me one-on-one to build your one-woman gig to a proper business. Click here now to get started.

About the author:

Tineke Rensen

Tineke Rensen, from Powerful Business Academy, is in business for 31 years. She built an international Outdoor and Survival business from scratch and sold this after 22 years. Tineke was a national whitewater kayaking champion.

She now is one of the most all-round business accelerators and mentors you can find. She helps businesswomen to “Scale & Grow, Make More Impact And Work Less”. There are very few topics she cannot help you with, in your business. Many people find this hard to believe, but hey how much do you think you know about scaling businesses if you live it day and night for 31 years?

Tineke created the system “A Women’s Blueprint To Business Success”. She is a multi-award winning, serial entrepreneur and she is the author of the book “Maximum Business Growth For Women

Female Entrepreneurs

Why Female Entrepreneurs Should NOT Buy Niche Programs When They Want To Scale Their Business

Most marketing gurus preach niching down as a way to promote yourself and your brand. The usual advice normally sounds like this “find your niche, niche down, don’t go wide, focus on serving one aspect of the market.

It’s why you see most buyers of knowledge and expertise, or businesswomen wanting to scale their business run towards niche trainings, niche support, and niche products.

And it’s understandable as it only makes sense as they say to “go an inch wide and a mile deep” when attempting to market your business.

However, as a business coach for women and one interested in helping female entrepreneurs find their bearing, I’ll say this, the entire gospel of focusing on niching programs alone in order to grow your business is just plain bad advice.

According to edX on Business Management, core business skills such as business planning, strategy, finance, sales, and marketing, are the backbone of a  successful business.

Female Entrepreneurs

Why Should You Steer Clear Niche Programs?

I’ll usually tell the female entrepreneurs I coach that niche programs are really NOT what they need, to thrive.

My many years of coaching and working closely with female entrepreneurs have taught me that growing and upscaling a business usually involves you working on multiple areas in your business simultaneously. It is never one thing because they are all interconnected with one another.

Like the human body, your business thrives when the other parts are doing the same. So, are niche programs bad? Of course not! But their focus is usually on one topic.

A niche program can be on:

How to

  • Speak
  • Create your online course
  • Write your book
  • Position yourself
  • Blog
  • Write compelling online copy
  • Do email marketing, etc.

No, while all these are great, none of these things alone can guarantee the success of your business. Business success is never about changing just one thing. It is always a combination of various factors. An experienced business coach for women will tell you this!

You don’t NEED an online course when you know nothing about lead generation or getting traffic.

You don’t NEED to know how to speak when you don’t know who your ideal audience is.

Also, You don’t NEED a book when you have no-one to sell it to.

Female Entrepreneurs

Believe me. As a business coach for female entrepreneurs, I can tell you this, you don’t need a niche program if you’ve not learned how to manage the other important aspects of your business. I spoke on this in my article 10 Business Coaching Scams To Know About, For Female Entrepreneurs. You can check it out.

As a business coach for women my advice to female entrepreneurs is usually to take on a holistic approach when running their business. I hope you’re getting my point?

How Can You Attain Business Success Without Spending Money On Niche Programs?

As a business coach for female entrepreneurs, my take is this, don’t buy niche programs until you’re sure you have a structure that works. Your goal-setting strategy must include every aspect of your business.

Again, I have nothing against niche programs. However, before you go on to buy a niche product, make sure you have certain areas up and thriving. In my post, A Women’s Blueprint For A Successful Business Makeover, I delved deeply into strategic areas every businesswoman must look out for.


#1. Mindset

What can you see? Where do you see yourself and your business in years to come? How do you perceive yourself?

Your mindset is everything. Beyond buying an online course that teaches you how to create an ebook, your beliefs and most dominant thought are actually the directions your business is headed for.

To succeed in business, you need a winning mindset. You need to put off excuses and embrace possibilities. You must be ready first in your mind to grind and step outside your comfort zone. Your success in business starts with what’s in your mind and not what’s outside of it.

With ONLY a good mindset your business is not going to be a success.

Female Entrepreneurs

#2. Planning

As a business coach for female entrepreneurs, I know what it’s like running a demanding, full-time business. It’s important to have a clear cut-out vision or else you’ll get thrown off balance more often than not. A way to go about this is to plan.

Assess your strengths, your business needs, your purpose, your target audience, your industry, the competition, etc, and plan objectively for how you can scale through these things.

A niche program must align with your business goals. I didn’t just write the book “Maximum Business Growth For Women” because a niche program suggested so.

It must help with drawing you closer to your set targets. It must assist in helping you hit your financial goals for the period in view.

Don’t just skip up to buy a niche program because it’s the current rave. Ensure also that you’ve assessed the needs of your business. Be certain that the niche program you’re about purchasing is what your business really needs to go on to the next phase.

With ONLY good planning your business is not going to be a success

#3. Branding

Your brand is a statement of who you are as a business, what you stand for, and the value you can deliver. While it might help, a niche program isn’t primarily what you need to develop a winning brand identity.

As a businesswoman, you must identify your unique offerings, your ideal client, your business values and culture, your voice, your marketing plan for the business. Assessing these things will enable you to develop a brand identity that aligns with your vision for thbusiness.

As a business coach for women, I’ve been able to build a brand that closely aligns with my passion which is helping female entrepreneurs scale & grow their business.

With ONLY good branding your business is not going to be a success

Female Entrepreneurs


#4. Clever Tools

Before you go on to buy a niche program, ensure you have an idea of what clever tools are and how they can help you attract the right clients. Your knowledge of these things should sponsor your desire for a niche program and not the other way around. Tools and automation will save you a lot of time, but when you don’t use them right you will not be able to grow your business.

With ONLY the use of clever tools, your business is not going to be a success



#5. Team

Your team is your first support structure so ensure you hire the right people. A niche program may not be necessary if you have the right set of up-skilled workers. You don’t have to have all that niche knowledge that’s been taught yourself. You need people who can do it for you.

With ONLY a good team your business is not going to be a success

Female Entrepreneurs

#6. Acceleration Power

The place of systems and structures cannot be downplayed. Fix your organizational workflow before considering buying a niche program. A niche program only works when there’s a system in place.

With ONLY a good foundation your business is not going to be a success

#7. Flow

Your flow is highly important in scaling up that business. You want your creative energy to always be at its peak. Ensure that you learn the art of maintaining your flow. Beyond buying a niche program, if you can achieve this, you’ll have yourself to thank.

With ONLY a flow your business is not going to be a success

#8. Help & Support

I’m a business coach for female entrepreneurs and I can tell you it doesn’t get easier on the way up. However, there’s always someone out there who can help you when you face a hard time in business. Consider getting a coach, a mentor, a business buddy, or joining a mastermind group such as the one I offer.

With the RIGHT Help and Support your business will DEFINITELY have good references to become a success

business coach for Female Entrepreneurs

Learn More

If you’re a female entrepreneur looking for extra knowledge and expertise look for a GOOD business coach for women because there are many out there who never even had their own business. This advice could make or break your business.

How do you know if someone is a good business coach for women? Check out this article about the 20 questions you should ask a business coach.

 My name is Tineke Rensen and I am a business coach for female entrepreneurs. I host monthly masterclasses about various business topics.

The next masterclass is on the 18th of March 8 pm CET (Amsterdam). The topic of the next masterclass will be “How Automation Tools Could Help Cut Out Tasks That Are Wasting Time”. You can check it out hereTry it out!

For the first class, you only pay 1 euro ($1,20), so it is safe for you to check me out. Afterward, you decide if you’ve learned something and whether you want to continue to become a member for 47,- euro/month (with a lot of extra benefits). Or you move on.

However, if you want to take it a step higher and work with me one-on-one to build your one-woman gig into a proper business, click here now to get started.

Join Our Monthly membership mastermind and try us out for just 1 euro the first time you join us.

About the author:

Tineke Rensen

Tineke Rensen, from Powerful Business Academy, is in business for 31 years. She built an international Outdoor and Survival business from scratch and sold this after 22 years. Tineke was a national whitewater kayaking champion.

She now is one of the most all-round business accelerators and mentors you can find. She helps businesswomen to “Scale & Grow, Make More Impact And Work Less”. There are very few topics she cannot help you with, in your business. Many people find this hard to believe, but hey how much do you think you know about scaling businesses if you live it day and night for 31 years?

Tineke created the system “A Women’s Blueprint To Business Success”. She is a multi-award winning, serial entrepreneur and she is the author of the book “Maximum Business Growth For Women

Company For Automation Tools

Female Entrepreneurs Don’t Need To Hire A Big Fancy Company For Automation

Many female entrepreneurs have the misconception that they need to hire a company when they want to start automating. However, as a business coach for entrepreneurs, I can tell you that hiring a company for automation is often not necessary.

Here is why female entrepreneurs don’t need to hire a big company for automation but can instead apply their own automation tools.

Why You Shouldn’t Hire an Automation Company

Automation companies are very expensive and often will typically offer services that are already out there for you to use.

Plus, they mainly build integrations that you can connect on your own with the connection tool Zapier.

My advice as a business coach for entrepreneurs is that you often are better off building your automation on separate tools than hiring a company to do automation for them.

Female Entrepreneurs

My Advice: How to Use Automation Without Hiring a Company

Instead of hiring an expensive company to manage business automation, female entrepreneurs should decide what automation they need and set it up themselves.

1. Examine what aspects of your business you want to automate.

You can find ideas of what business tasks to automate in our other blog on how automation can help female entrepreneurs.

2. See what automation tools already exist to help you automate those things.

There are plenty of automation tools out there already! You don’t need to reinvent the wheel to set up automation. And you don’t need to pay high fees to get access to automation tools.



3. See if either you or someone else in your company can implement these tools.

You or someone else on your team can easily implement most automation tools. And the best part is once they are set up, they take very little time to manage.

4. B. If not, and you need to use a large CRM, ask for referrals and see if you can do a free trial before signing a long-term contract.

On my team as a business coach for female entrepreneurs, I have set up several different automation tools over the years, but I use very few expensive companies – only use these if you have to.

Female Entrepreneurs


Where to Find Free or Cheap Automation Tools

As a business coach for female entrepreneurs, I have personally tried over a hundred different automation tools and will only give you recommendations that I support. I’ve wrapped them all up into an eBook for female entrepreneurs.

Check out my FREE eBook “130 Cool Automation Tools to Automate your Business” to find lots of tools and platforms to help you get started with automation.

Female Entrepreneurs


Keep Learning About Automation

If you’re a female entrepreneur looking for extra knowledge and expertise look for a GOOD business coach for women because there are many out there who never even had their own business. This advice could make or break your business.

How do you know if someone is a good business coach for women? Check out this article about the 20 questions you should ask a business coach.

 My name is Tineke Rensen and I am a business coach for female entrepreneurs. I host monthly masterclasses about various business topics.

The next masterclass is on the 18th of March at 8 pm CET (Amsterdam). The topic of the next masterclass will be “How Automation Tools Could Help Cut Out Tasks That Are Wasting Time”. You can check it out hereTry it out!

For the first class, you only pay 1 euro ($1,20), so it is safe for you to check me out. Afterward, you decide if you’ve learned something and whether you want to continue to become a member for 47,- euro/month (with a lot of extra benefits). Or you move on.

However, if you want to take it a step higher and work with me one-on-one to build your one-woman gig into a proper business, click here now to get started.

Join Our Monthly membership mastermind and try us out for just 1 euro the first time you join us.

About the author:

Tineke Rensen

Tineke Rensen, from Powerful Business Academy, is in business for 31 years. She built an international Outdoor and Survival business from scratch and sold this after 22 years. Tineke was a national whitewater kayaking champion.

She now is one of the most all-round business accelerators and mentors you can find. She helps businesswomen to “Scale & Grow, Make More Impact And Work Less”. There are very few topics she cannot help you with, in your business. Many people find this hard to believe, but hey how much do you think you know about scaling businesses if you live it day and night for 31 years?

Tineke created the system “A Women’s Blueprint To Business Success”. She is a multi-award winning, serial entrepreneur and she is the author of the book “Maximum Business Growth For Women

Female Entrepreneurs

Female Entrepreneurs Need to Know That Growing a Business is Never About Changing Just One Thing

A business is like a human organ; everything is interconnected.

When you change one thing it most likely affects something else in your business too.

Creating a thriving business is hardly ever about changing just one thing. You’ll need to tweak many things until you get it right.

I would know – as a business coach for female entrepreneurs I have spent years searching for any ‘one right thing’ for business success. Here’s what I’ve learned.

There is Not One Right Answer

Some online coaches will make you believe you can make one change, flip one switch, and suddenly your business success will skyrocket. But this is not true. Even if you build an online program, your business cannot thrive without a list, and sales page, and automation, and much, much more.

Marketing gurus teach you to make sure you have a clear message and focus on one topic otherwise it is confusing for your clients. So that is why you see so many coaches train you on one topic and lead you to believe that everything will change for the better when you implement their product or service.

Female Entrepreneurs

However, these marketing gurus will likely entice you to spend a lot of money and yet you still will not see the business success you had hoped for. Don’t fall for these business scams.

No change will lead to overnight success. When you start networking your business does not change overnight. You need to be able to have conversations, maintain relationships, have a great product, speak to the right people within your network, and be able to sell.

So, it never is about changing just one thing!

So, What Do You Need to Change?

That has been my dilemma for years. However, as a business coach for female entrepreneurs, I’ve learned over the years how to build success in your business. I help female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and reach their goals.

If you want to continue growing your business, and you realize it will take more than one thing, as a business coach for entrepreneurs, I have a solution for you.

That is why I created a “Women’s Blueprint To Business Success,” as a business coach for female entrepreneurs. Check it out in the graphic below.

blueprint for business success

Each topic is necessary to grow your business; you cannot make it without all eight. And you will not find success overnight, even using each of these steps.

Visit my business coach for entrepreneurs website for an explanation of each topic in the women’s blueprint for business success.



Apply the Women’s Blueprint for Business Success to Your Business

Female entrepreneurs can learn more about how to follow the blueprint for business success by reading my book, Maximum Business Growth for Women. This book is by a business coach for entrepreneurs to help female entrepreneurs grow their businesses sustainably. Order a copy of the book now for yourself to start building your business’s path to success.

About the author:

Tineke Rensen

Tineke Rensen, from Powerful Business Academy, is in business for 31 years. She built an international Outdoor and Survival business from scratch and sold this after 22 years. Tineke was a national whitewater kayaking champion.

She now is one of the most all-round business accelerators and mentors you can find. She helps businesswomen to “Scale & Grow, Make More Impact And Work Less”. There are very few topics she cannot help you with, in your business. Many people find this hard to believe, but hey how much do you think you know about scaling businesses if you live it day and night for 31 years?

Tineke created the system “A Women’s Blueprint To Business Success”. She is a multi-award winning, serial entrepreneur and she is the author of the book “Maximum Business Growth For Women

Business automation tool

Why Female Entrepreneurs Should Not Shy Away From Automation

Female entrepreneurs have so much on their plate to keep up with! Managing a business takes a ton of your time and effort. However, automation can save female entrepreneurs time and money, and it can be easy to implement. Automation is becoming more popular, with about 25% of small business owners already adopting some type of automation, according to a McKinsey survey.

Business automation includes automating regular tasks that you would normally do manually like scheduling, order processing, invoicing, website management, and customer support.

However, it can be overwhelming to know where to start and which automation tools are best for your business. Take it from a business coach for female entrepreneurs: the sooner you implement automation into your business, the better. Here are the top three reasons why you should implement automation now.


Female Entrepreneurs


Automation Saves Time

Automating business processes saves you time to focus on the most important things – running the business. Many automation tools also offer performance results, which save you time because you can see exactly how campaigns or tasks are performing and what you can do to improve them.

It may take an initial investment of time to learn how to do it, but in the long run, automation will save you time. If you’re interested in getting started and don’t know how you can sign up for coaching for female entrepreneurs, my monthly masterclass, to help take your business to the next level.

Business automation tool


Automation Saves Money

Female entrepreneurs can save money using automation because they won’t have to spend their time or pay other people to do repetitive tasks. According to some surveys, workers can spend up to a quarter of their week on manual, repetitive tasks. Instead, you can let a computer automate these tasks. Plus, often a computer can get the job done much faster, and with fewer mistakes, than manual labor.

This also saves money because the automation tools will get the job done right the first time. As a business coach for women, I also use automation in my own company and I can attest that it saves me a ton of time and money.

Female Entrepreneurs


Automation Can Be Very Easy

Automation tools are designed to make your life easier, and so they are also designed to be easy to implement and use. Many automation tools are even free! I cover several automation tools in another blog post and you can also download my eBook, which has over 130 automation tools that I’ve used. I offer coaching for female entrepreneurs, and so I’ve vetted most of these tools myself.  

In the next masterclass, I will show you some of the tools I use and how I use them. The date is 18th of March at 8 PM CET (Amsterdam) and lasts 2 hours.


Female entrepreneurs who are interested in learning more about how automation can help their business can sign up for our March masterclass led by a business coach for female entrepreneurs. You can sit in on this monthly masterclass for just 1,00 euro ($1.20) for your first time. Coaching for female entrepreneurs can be a game-changer for your business, and I invite you to try it out – it could make all the difference for your business!

Join us on the 18th of March at 8 PM CET (Amsterdam) and lasts 2 hours. The topic of the next masterclass will be “How Automation Tools Could Help Cut Out Tasks That Are Wasting Time”. You can check it out hereTry it out!

However, if you want to take it a step higher and work with me one-on-one to build your one-woman gig into a proper business, click here now to get started.

Join our Masterclass and try us out for just 1 euro ($1,20) for the first time.

About the author:

Tineke Rensen

Tineke Rensen, from Powerful Business Academy, is in business for 31 years. She built an international Outdoor and Survival business from scratch and sold this after 22 years. Tineke was a national whitewater kayaking champion.

She now is one of the most all-round business accelerators and mentors you can find. She helps businesswomen to “Scale & Grow, Make More Impact And Work Less”. There are very few topics she cannot help you with, in your business. Many people find this hard to believe, but hey how much do you think you know about scaling businesses if you live it day and night for 31 years?

Tineke created the system “A Women’s Blueprint To Business Success”. She is a multi-award winning, serial entrepreneur and she is the author of the book “Maximum Business Growth For Women

Successful female entrepreneurs

Female Entrepreneurs Who Do Not Automate Waste Too Much Time

Successful female entrepreneurs can save time in their business by implementing automation. If you don’t use automation, you are essentially wasting your time on repetitive or manual tasks that you could simplify.

Without automation, you will have to spend extra time on repetitive tasks. You could save up to a quarter of your workweek by implementing automation. Plus, according to Forbes, automation offers cost savings from 40 to 75 percent.

Misbeliefs About Automating

You may be hesitant to start using automation for several reasons, but as a business coach for female entrepreneurs, I can assure you that it is worth it.🙂

Here are some of the common misbeliefs about automation and the truth about each of them.

Female Entrepreneurs

Automation is expensive to invest in

You may think it costs a lot of money to use automation, but many automation tools are free! If not, they may have a low-cost or subscription. To find more automation tools, check out my eBook with over 130 automation tools that I’ve personally used.



Automation is complicated😕

Even though it may feel like you need technical skills or experience to use automation, automation tools are designed to be simple enough for anyone to use.

Automation takes a lot of time to set up

If your schedule is already booked, you may not have time to learn about new software or skills. You feel like you can’t set up automation because it will take too much time. But it actually can be very easy, and you can set up most automation tools in just a few minutes.

Female Entrepreneurs

The Truth About Automation👍

Automation may seem overwhelming to set up and get going, but it actually can be very easy. Successful female entrepreneurs will know how to use it to their advantage.

As a business coach for female entrepreneurs, I save at least an hour a day using automation in my business. Having an hour back every day makes a huge difference and allows me to focus more on critical aspects of my business.

To give you an idea of what you can automate, here are a few ways I use automation every day:

  • Email templates
  • Standard proposals
  • Automatic friend request accepting
  • Drafted messages
  • Automated emails
  • And much more!

I also save several more hours each day by delegating tasks and outsourcing regular work to my team. Find out more about outsourcing and delegating to a team in our recent blog, Why More Female Entrepreneurs Should Have a Team.

Female Entrepreneurs

Learn More About Automation and Ways to Save Time👍

Female entrepreneurs who are interested in learning more about how automation can help their business can sign up for our April masterclass led by a business coach for female entrepreneurs. You can sit in on this monthly masterclass for just 1,00 euro ($1.20) for your first time. Coaching for female entrepreneurs can be a game-changer for your business, and I invite you to try it out – it could make all the difference for your business!

Join us on the 18th of March at 8 PM CET (Amsterdam) and lasts 2 hours. The topic of the next masterclass will be “How Automation Tools Could Help Cut Out Tasks That Are Wasting Time”. You can check it out hereTry it out!👇

However, if you want to take it a step higher and work with me one-on-one to build your one-woman gig into a proper business, click here now to get started.

Join our Masterclass and try us out for just 1 euro ($1,20) for the first time.👇

About the author:

Tineke Rensen

Tineke Rensen is in business for 30 years. She built an international Outdoor and Survival business from scratch and sold this after 22 years. Tineke was a national whitewater kayaking champion.
She now is one of the most all-round business accelerators you can find. There are very few topics she cannot help you with your business. Many people find it hard to believe when they hear this. How much do you think you know about a topic if you live it day and night for 30 years?
Tineke works with female business owners to grow to their full business potential. She uses her own system the “Blueprint for a Successful Business Makeover”. She is a women’s business coach.

Tineke is the author of “Maximum Business Growth For Women”

Maximum Business Growth For Women

If you want to watch business videos with Tineke Rensen you can like the Powerful Business Academy Youtube Channel

Female Entrepreneurs

If you’re a female entrepreneur and serious about scaling and growing your business, you’ve probably given thought to hiring a business coach. Enlisting the support of an expert to guide you through the ins and outs of business will serve to help you achieve your goals much quicker.

According to Forbes, “effective coaching absolutely has the ability to transform your business, but sadly, most business coaching has devolved into half-baked entrepreneur therapy sessions.”

For example, in the US, there are over 53,000 business coaches, as totaled by the International Coach Federation. With so many out there who call themselves “business coach,” how do you know which one is right for you? And how will you know if they can really help you?

So if you’re looking for a business coach for female entrepreneurs, you will need to do some discerning and verifying.


Look for a business coach who gets you

When you’re looking for a business coach who is right for you, you shouldn’t just look up how much does a business coach cost. More than business coach pricing, What really matters is the connection you and your potential coach have. Do you click? Do her style and program suit your needs? Do you think you’ll like working together long term?

If not, no matter how low the business coach hourly rate is, you will never get your money’s worth. Not only that, you’ll have wasted not just money but your precious time as well.


Avoid Scams

If a business coach promises you what you want to hear, be careful. If a coach tells you you’ll make a lot of money quickly, and that it will be easy––these are telltale signs that this can be a scam.

Some people believe this because they want to take a shortcut, but it just doesn’t work like that. As a female entrepreneur, I’m sure you know by now that growing your business is a lot of hard work. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying or is trying to trick you.

Female Entrepreneurs


Things to Check for in a Business Coach

 Before paying for a business coach for female entrepreneurs, see if they tick off the following characteristics in this list:


  • Aside from the testimonials that they have, they have proven themselves credible and trustworthy to you.
  • They have some kind of warranty or refund policy.
  • They match your values or mindset
  • Also, they are objective and straightforward. They don’t always tell you what you want to hear.
  • They are able to hold you accountable.
  • Again they are able to admit their own failures.
  • They lead by example and have significant experience in what they’re teaching.
  • They invest in themselves by continuing to learn through trainings.


What do I do as a Business Coach for Women?

I never ask for all the money upfront for my coaching. Instead, I offer installments and, for six-month contracts, I allow monthly payments.

In my entire career as a business coach for women, I have only had two times that women wanted to quit, and I let them. I did not want to continue working with them either because they were not willing to put in the work required.

I have spoken to too many women who have paid their hard-earned money to a business coach and their business is still not a success. If you want business coaching to be effective, you must remember that it is a collaboration between two people. Most of what I do is one-on-one because then I can create a unique approach for each client.

Female Entrepreneurs


Have Questions About a Business Coach? Ask Me!

It’s okay to have questions about a business coach for female entrepreneurs. In fact, I’ve compiled 20 questions you should ask a business coach for women, like myself, before you decide to work with them. Check them out before you work with a business coach.

It really saddens me that I speak to so many women who have spent their last money on a very expensive business coach for women and they did not get the results they needed. They cannot afford to work with anyone else because they have no money left.

If you want to check out how I work and whether we’re a good match, schedule a quick 15-minute call with me. Don’t worry, this won’t be a sales call. It will just be for us to check each other out. Check out my calendar here:



Learn More

My name is Tineke Rensen and I am a business coach for women. I created the system A Woman’s Blueprint for Business Success, where I work with female entrepreneurs in 9 major areas in their business.

There are many out there who call themselves business coaches, but have never had their own business. What you need  is a business coach who has experience in scaling and growing businesses. And I’ve had plenty. In my 31 years of experience, I’ve become an expert on many areas of business. I can help you with whatever topic you need help with.

If you want to learn more about what makes a good business coach for women, check out this article about the 20 questions you should ask a business coach for female entrepreneurs.

Interested to learn how you can work with me one-on-one to build your one-woman gig to a proper business and double your income within a year, without spending a dime? Click here now to schedule a quick 15-minute call with me and get started.


About the author:

Tineke Rensen

Tineke Rensen, from Powerful Business Academy, is in business for 31 years. She built an international Outdoor and Survival business from scratch and sold this after 22 years. Tineke was a national whitewater kayaking champion.

She now is one of the most all-round business accelerators and mentors you can find. She helps businesswomen to “Scale & Grow, Make More Impact And Work Less”. There are very few topics she cannot help you with, in your business. Many people find this hard to believe, but hey how much do you think you know about scaling businesses if you live it day and night for 31 years?

Tineke created the system “A Women’s Blueprint To Business Success”. She is a multi-award winning, serial entrepreneur and she is the author of the book “Maximum Business Growth For Women

Business Coaching Scams

Nowadays, anyone can just print out business cards and call themselves “business coach.” And many do. There are over 60,000 business coaches in the US alone. But as competitive as the industry is, it is largely unchecked and unregulated. This is why fake business coaches and business coaching scams have proliferated.

Many of these business coaching scams target inexperienced business owners who just want their businesses to grow. Unfortunately, they get deceived by unqualified business coaches who only care about getting money and not about getting results.

If you’re a female entrepreneur looking to hire a business coach, here are ten common scams you should look out for:


1. Someone on Facebook, or any other social media platform, promises to teach you how to make lots of money in that particular platform

We all know how big and powerful the platform Facebook can be. And for many business, Facebook is a great way to sell and promote their products and services. But this doesn’t work for all businesses. If your ideal audience is not on Facebook, this method won’t work for you. It’s the same case on any other social media platform.

Some business coaches will try to entice you with results and numbers from others who have succeeded using Facebook. But don’t fall for it. Ask and learn how it can help you specifically.

I do recommend that female entrepreneurs take advantage of social media and Facebook groups, but don’t fall trap to a scam trying to get you to pay large sums of money for their help.

Business Coaching Scams


2. A Business promises to help you build an online funnel

 If you believe you need a funnel to make you money, but you have no idea how to create it on your own, some businesses will try to take advantage of this and charge you ridiculous amounts of money to build it for you. They make it seem very complicated, so you start to feel like a beginner.

If you do not have a large advertising budget or a big following, your funnel is not going to work as well as you hope. Don’t get tricked into believing that you need this service. You will need a lot of money to test your ads campaigns on any platform. If your budget is not big enough, you will never get past this phase. And in that case, you cannot make a lot of money with your funnel.


3. A business promises to help you build an online course

You don’t need this, especially when you’ve only just started a business. You need a big following or a lot of money to pay for ads before you should think about building a course. You will need a substantial email list, lots of social media followers, online copywriting skills, and design skills. You will need a launching strategy with emails, webinars, and so on.

They don’t tell you this. What they do is make you believe that you need it and that it will make a huge difference in your business. And they promise you that they will build it for you. You only need to pay them.

The truth is you don’t need this, or at least not yet. As a business coach for women, let me tell you this, creating the course is the easiest thing to do. You can do it yourself once you’ve grown enough.

Business Coaching Scams



4. A business promises to find your ideal audience for you

While finding your ideal audience is crucial in growing your business, it’s not the only factor. Don’t believe that once they do this for, you will be able to attract them right away and all your problems will be solved.

This simply isn’t true. There are many phases of targeting your ideal audience. If you can’t sell in a personal conversation, or when you can’t sell online, knowing your ideal audience won’t ensure sales.




5. A business coach requires you to pay a lot of money upfront

A fake business coach will require you to pay fees upfront and not in monthly installments. Why? Because if you pay in increments and you notice that you’re not getting results, you will have the option to stop paying.

This is how they get you. When you’ve already paid for everything, you’re left with no choice but to stick around. And when the coaching doesn’t work, they will tell you that it’s your fault for not putting in the work.

Business Coaching Scams


6. They promise you can get rich real quick

An individual or business may lure you in by showing you how they made a million dollars overnight with real statistics. But there is no ‘get rich quick’ fix. What they do not tell you is that they have been working for years to build a big email list, or that they have tried and failed many times until they found something that works particularly for them.


7. They promise you will get rich if you write a book

I personally have written two books, and yes, I am making money from the spinoff. But to be honest, it’s not easy money and surely not as much as I was told to.

Besides, who hasn’t written a book nowadays? Becoming a best-selling author is really easy when you know the tricks to do this. And if this is the only selling point of a business coach, you shouldn’t fall for it.

Business Coaching Scams


8. They promise you will make a lot of money if you become a speaker

If you are not already a celebrity, you will likely not get asked to speak at all.

If you haven’t already made a name for yourself, you need to be out there every day promoting yourself, calling event organizers, and proving yourself over and over for very little money.

Yes, I am making money off the spinoff of my speaking gigs, but only because I’ve created a system. If I only speak and sell my book, I would not make money at all. This promise is not true, and don’t believe it when you hear it. 


9. They promise that you will get rich if you duplicate what they do

 There is no real ‘duplicate me and you will get rich’ strategy. Every businesswoman is a different person. So the strategies that work well for me, might not work for you. Everyone’s audience is different, so you need to approach them differently. Your circumstances are different as well. Don’t believe that a one-size-fits-all approach is what will make you successful.

Business Coaching Scams


10. They promise that your business will grow massively if you learn to write an eBook

First of all, the sheer number of subpar eBooks I see recently is downright ridiculous. Often, they are very well marketed. The content, though, is almost always very poor. Many use eBooks only to get your email address, and not because they want to give value.

Even if you have a valuable eBook, with the right cover and great content, your email list is not going to grow overnight. It takes work and constant promotion everywhere you can, to grow your business with an eBook.

Besides, business coaches who tell you that you’ll earn a lot of money from writing an eBook earn much more from you paying them to teach you, and not from the actual eBooks.


Summing it up

There’s so much more that I can add to this list. But the most common characteristics of these scams are that they make you believe that you get results without working, and in a short amount of time. They also sell the idea that you only need to follow a “formula” and your problems will all be magically solved.

As a business coach for women, with over three decades of experience, I will tell you what really works: focus, consistency, and a holistic approach. If you are really serious about scaling and growing your business you need to work on all areas. Working on one area is not going to make the difference you are hoping for.

Business Coaching Scams


Learn More

My name is Tineke Rensen and I am a business coach for women. I created the system “A Woman’s Blueprint for Business Success,” where I work with female entrepreneurs in 9 major areas in their business. 

There are many out there who call themselves business coaches, but have never had their own business. What you need  is a business coach who has experience in scaling and growing businesses. And I’ve had plenty. In my 31 years of experience, I’ve become an expert on many areas of business. I can help you with whatever topic you need help with.

If you want to learn more about what makes a good business coach for women, check out this article about the 20 questions you should ask a business coach for female entrepreneurs.

Are you interested to learn how you can work with me one-on-one to build your one-woman gig to a proper business and double your income within a year? Click here now to schedule a quick 15-minute call with me and get started.


About the author:

Tineke Rensen

Tineke Rensen, from Powerful Business Academy, is in business for 31 years. She built an international Outdoor and Survival business from scratch and sold this after 22 years. Tineke was a national whitewater kayaking champion.

She now is one of the most all-round business accelerators and mentors you can find. She helps businesswomen to “Scale & Grow, Make More Impact And Work Less”. There are very few topics she cannot help you with, in your business. Many people find this hard to believe, but hey how much do you think you know about scaling businesses if you live it day and night for 31 years?

Tineke created the system “A Women’s Blueprint To Business Success”. She is a multi-award winning, serial entrepreneur and she is the author of the book “Maximum Business Growth For Women

When it comes to leads, quality trumps quantity. Many lead-gen agencies promise quantity but lack quality leads to provide your business.

Female entrepreneurs need to be very cautious about paying for leads, especially on Facebook. I’m a business coach for female entrepreneurs, and even I have had unfortunate outcomes from hiring people to get leads for my business. The best female entrepreneurs can make mistakes quickly and learn and grow from them, as now I have learned better ways to get leads. However, as I share my experiences, hopefully, you can learn from my experience why you should be cautious paying for Facebook leads.

My Experience With a Facebook Lead-Gen Agency

I hired a Facebook leads generation company to engage with my audience to get appointments. I paid USD 1600 for two months. The company promised a certain number of conversations, but it ended up being a total waste of money.

Unfortunately, the only leads the agency provided were not well-targeted. I had a few conversations, but they were mostly with women who had no clue about doing business and had no money to pay me.

When I have the right leads, I have a 50% closing rate. However, after $1600 and two months, the company had wasted my time with poorly targeted leads and a 0% closing rate.

My Experience With a Facebook Ads Agency

I also worked with a Facebook ads agency to promote my funnel. The agency provided lots of traffic to my page, but no conversion. They explained it away, saying that the page was not performing well to convert their traffic. But I discovered that the traffic they sent to my site was broad, and not my target audience.

I had similar experiences worked with a company on LinkedIn and an individual who worked on Facebook. In the end, I had to drop them all because it wasn’t working out.

How to Judge a Lead-Gen or Ads Company

The best female entrepreneurs will fire an agency if it is not working out for their company. But hiring the right company from the start is even better.

Here are a few tips to know if it will work out to outsource to a lead-gen company.

  • If they cannot target your ideal clients, it is not going to work.
  • If you don’t have a niche and you don’t know exactly what it is your client needs, it is not going to work.
  • If you cannot sell it is not going to work.
  • If you need an advertising budget, you need to make sure you can pay at least 2-3 months for testing and finetuning.
  • It is not about the number of calls or leads, but about the quality of the leads and how well you speak the language of your leads.

Navigating leads is difficult. Learn from my experience so you don’t have to make the same mistakes.

Know Your Audience

The companies I worked with clearly didn’t know my audience of female entrepreneurs.

So, who exactly is my ideal client as a business coach for female entrepreneurs?

  • A businesswoman who is growing her business, most of it on her own
  • She is offering a service
  • She is very ambitious and has big plans
  • She does not have a clear strategy to grow
  • She knows she needs to delegate (more) and she does not know how to. She is afraid it takes her even more time.
  • She is prepared to work hard
  • She is prepared to follow my instructions and can handle my directness

Does that sound like you? If you’re ready to learn more, as a business coach for female entrepreneurs, I offer monthly mastermind classes to help you continue growing your business.

Join a Mastermind Class for Female Entrepreneurs

Try one of our monthly mastermind sessions for just 1 euro ($1,20) the first time you join us. If you enjoy it, you can become a member and take advantage of monthly opportunities for networking, brainstorming and learning, for only  47,- euro/month. This month’s topic is:

I’ll show you my way how to get leads on Facebook and LinkedIn.

The strategies that work for me and with some finetuning, they’ll probably work for you too.

The best female entrepreneurs are lifelong learners, so sign up today to continue learning from other like-minded businesswomen. I promise you won’t regret it.

About the author:

Tineke Rensen

Tineke Rensen is in business for 30 years. She built an international Outdoor and Survival business from scratch and sold this after 22 years. Tineke was a national whitewater kayaking champion.
She now is one of the most all-round business accelerators you can find. There are very few topics she cannot help you with your business. Many people find it hard to believe when they hear this. How much do you think you know about a topic if you live it day and night for 30 years?
Tineke works with female business owners to grow to their full business potential. She uses her own system the “Blueprint for a Successful Business Makeover”. She is a women’s business coach.

Tineke is the author of “Maximum Business Growth For Women”

Maximum Business Growth For Women

If you want to watch business videos with Tineke Rensen you can like the Powerful Business Academy Youtube Channel