blueprint for business success

8 Secrets from a national champion to accelerate your business

Nowadays, being a successful businesswoman demands an array of diverse skills and expertise. To ensure that your business can truly make an impact in the world, it should be of a substantial size and a blueprint.

How can you ensure that your business will grow to a substantial size?

You might be in a similar situation to the following:

  • Don’t see a clear plan or strategy on how you will grow your business?
  • You feel uncomfortable about outsourcing or hiring people externally, while at the same time, you know that you won’t be able to do all the work on your own?
  • When your business does grow, you think you might lose the control you have now?
  • Larger companies are interested and are knocking on your door pitching ideas to collaborate with you – but you feel that your business is too small?
  • Don’t want to put in more work, or work harder than you already are now?

This article will provide you with the tools you need, to double your business within 6 months!

Essentially, every business is the same.

The strategy to grow any business is similar. You might believe that your business is completely different – and even if this is true, the main differences lie in what you are selling and how you are running it.

For business mentors like myself, we can see that every business – in its essence, is the same. No matter what product or services it offers, what country it operates in, or whether the main goal is to launch or to begin scaling up; similar growth strategies apply to all.

What 10 years of business mentoring has taught me

If there’s anything the past 10 years of expertise in mentoring businesswomen has taught me, it’s that the same issues continually recur when women want to grow their businesses.

From this, I have created the Blueprint for a Successful Business Make Over with eight areas that are essential to master when you want to grow your business.

What is a Business Blueprint Definition?

A business blueprint is a strategic plan that tells those operating the business the productivity requirements, the necessary jobs, the milestones, the targets, and the expected outcomes.  A business blueprint is a plan for how you will strategically execute business. According to the How To Entrepreneur 

This is what the website Bleuprints has created in regards to various Business Blueprints. 

What are the 8 Secrets of the Powerful Business Academy Blueprint?

1. Mindset

Blueprint for business success

What mindset do you have? Reflect on the following questions:
How do you see yourself? What are the mental obstacles you struggle with? What are the subconscious obstacles you have, that are blocking your ability to reach your full potential? Are you currently programmed for success, mediocracy, or failure? How do you feel and view money?

These are components which affect every aspect of your business, that can expand to topics such as:

  • Beliefs
  • Excuses
  • The subconscious brain
  • Financial mindset
  • Imagination and thinking out of the box
  • Stepping out of your comfort zone

2. Planning

Blueprint for business success

It is crucial to have a clear plan for your business. Can you clearly define your business core values, mission and vision? What makes up the DNA of your company?

How do you create and set achievable targets? How do you budget your finances, and plan for the rest of the year? Too many business owners know too little about finance!

You will need to rethink the following:

  • Values
  • Mission
  • Vision
  • Targets
  • Goal setting
  • Creating annual plans
  • Creating a financial plan

3. Branding


4. Smart tools

Blueprint for business successMaking use of valuable tools and resources can help you attract more clients to your business. What specific online marketing and social media tools are beneficial for your business? Also, What can help you to attract more clients easily and quickly?
What can you do to transform your business from the one in many, to the company that others want to do business with straight away?

Extending to tools such as:

  • Creating the perfect website homepage
  • Social media marketing
  • Funnels
  • Free giveaways
  • Webinars
  • Email marketing
  • Newsletters
  • Automation

5. Team

create a teamDo you currently employ staff? If you do, how can you ensure that your staff are working for you, rather than just working for the money? If you don’t, how can you find the perfect fit for someone to join your team and help you grow your business?

You’ll need to think about topics like the following:

  • Profiling and defining your potential co-workers
  • Outsourcing staff
  • Managing your team
  • How to keep your team
  • Delegating tasks
  • Team building

6. Power to accelerate

blueprint for business successIs your business fully ready for rapid growth, or will it become stuck and stagnant when there is an influx of new clients?
Do you have the correct systems and smart procedures in place, that allows everyone to know what needs to be done at any given time?

This involves topics of discussion such as:

  • Organization
  • Creating systems, structures and protocols
  • Focus
  • Scaling up
  • International growth
  • Partnerships

7. Flow & Ease

blueprint for business success

A common obstacle that business owners face when wanting to grow their business is that they fear they will need to work more than they already do or work harder. This is a large misinterpretation and can become a big obstacle for growth!

The art to successful growth is not to work harder – but to work smarter – operating in a more relaxed way, with ease. Knowing to do the right thing at the right time.

Make changes so that time is no longer an issue. Does your current daily routine give you energy, or does it wear you out? In doing this, you will be able to be more productive and get more done in less time.

This requires diving into themes of:

  • Letting go
  • Relaxed work versus hard work
  • Creativity and intuition
  • Pitfalls and obstacles
  • Wellness and taking care of yourself
  • Faith
  • Managing your energy

8. Help & support

blueprint for business success

Find help before you need it! Do the research and search for the expert that best suits you and your needs. Most business owners are used to starting something and fine-tuning what works best on the job, learning the ropes along the way. This can be a major obstacle that can hinder the speed of your business’s growth, as well as enabling mistakes to be easily made.

It is vital to find out what types of help are available, and what suits you and your business best. Is there anything that truly appeals to you or your business?

Exploring options such as:

  • Joining a mastermind group
  • Getting a mentor
  • Getting a buddy
  • Creating the ideal support system for you

Yes, a successful business requires all 8 skills

You might be thinking, Wow, that is a lot!

I have to admit – this is indeed the case. If you are wanting to grow your business successfully, it never comes down to just adding or changing one thing. Rather, it is a combination of any of the above topics or themes. Any given businesswoman will be lacking in different areas – one will need to think about adding in elements of this, while another will need components of something else.

What is it that you need?

You might already know what you need, or you might not be able to clearly define it yet – because you don’t know what you don’t know!

We all have blind spots, and you must find help and support that is customized to what you require as an individual.

When you are looking for help, make sure you search for the right help

Nowadays, many business coaches lack the experience of running their own business and can only coach you what they have learned from other guruh’s. Or, they are only able to train you to scale up your business in one way, instead of numerous ways.

Alternatively, a mentor is someone who has experiences of former businesses of their own under their belt – someone who personally deals with these topics daily. A mentor can share their own experiences and provide advice and support with anything you need, to grow your business.

Read 20 Questions You Should Ask A Business Coach Before Hiring to find out what you should be asking a future business coach or mentor.

If you are ambitious and you love to grow your business join our international Facebook group where businesswomen from all over the world share their ideas about growing their business.” And besides that, you’ll get a ton of value of the admin of the group, Tineke Rensen. Check out the website why you should become a member.

About the author:

Tineke Rensen

Tineke Rensen is in business for 29 years. She built an international Outdoor and Survival business from scratch and sold this after 22 years. Tineke was a national whitewater kayaking champion.
She now is one of the most all-round business accelerators you can find. There are very few topics she cannot help you with your business. Many people find it hard to believe when they hear this. How much do you think you know about a topic if you live it day and night for 28 years?
Tineke works with female business owners to grow to their full business potential. She uses her own system the “Blueprint for a Successful Business Makeover”. She is a women’s business coach.

Tineke is the author of “Maximum Business Growth For Women”

Maximum Business Growth For Women

If you want to watch business videos with Tineke Rensen you can like the Powerful Business Academy Youtube Channel




Read 20 Questions You Should Ask A Business Coach Before Hiring to find out what you should be asking a future business coach or mentor.


How to survive the Corona Crisis

Nobody saw it coming 2-3 weeks ago, that we would lose a lot of business overnight.
And we have no idea how long it is going to continue being like this.
And yet it is the situation where all European businesses have to cope with now.

Whether we agree with all the harsh measures our governments decides to take or not, it makes no difference because it is happening in reality and very rapidly.
What can you do?

What can you do to survive this period of uncertainty?

There are 3 phases on how to handle this business crisis

1. Unbelief and overwhelm
2. Acceptance
3. Adapt and protect
4. Finding new opportunities

And I know about it because I can call myself an expert in surviving economical crises.covid19
During the 30 years, I am running my own businesses I have survived at least 4 crises already.
I believe it is a lot easier to survive an economic crisis in this time and age, compared to when I started 30 years ago when we did not even have a computer, internet, cellphones, email etc.

We don’t have to cancel appointments now. Also we can do them online.
We don’t have to cancel networking events now. We can do them online.
When you need to close your business, your clients can still be in touch with you online.

We have so much more tools to come up with creative solutions than back when I first started.

This crisis we can compare with the 9-11 crisis.
It was all of a sudden. Very abrupt. We had to adapt very quickly, and it did not last very long. I hope this one doesn’t either.

Let’s go into more detail in the 4 phases to handle any economic crisis. What happens and what can you do to transform your business.

1. Unbelief and overwhelm

This happened to me last week too. When all the events where I was supposed to speak were cancelled. The first thing I thought was; “Oh No, this is a big part of my marketing formula which all of a sudden dries out”. Every time when I speak, I will get one or two new clients due to the follow-up system I have created.

What about you?

Are you worried about how your business will survive?

Are you worried about how you can work when the kids are at home because schools are closed?

What do you do with all the free time because evening activities got cancelled?

All the networking events are cancelled.

All the sports training and events are cancelled.

Family gatherings are cancelled.

Eating out in restaurants is not possible.

businesswomenYou have PLENTY of time all of a sudden. The time you can use to train yourself.

This is THE TIME to work ON your business.


It is the way it is, there is nothing you can do about it. You can be depressed for a whole week and that is only going to make things worse.

3.Adapt and protect to transform your business

Protect your business. Arrange what you need to arrange.

  • Reschedule appointments. Do not accept cancellations when money is already paid.
  • Do not refund money, it will be disastrous for your cash flow.
  • Schedule online meetings instead of meeting people in person when possible.
  • Take the time to reflect and look forward. This crisis is going to end!
  • Work ON your business now, often there is no time to do so. So when the crisis is over you have a brand new business.
  • When you have people working for you on the payroll find out what laws there are to have them work less in the current circumstances.

4.Finding new opportunities

This crisis can also be about business transformation. Or even better, digital business transformation. Be creative. So much is possible online, nowadays.

This is a great possibility to transform your business digitally.

  • Scheduling appointments online.
  • Conference calls online
  • Live stream your workshops or programs
  • Facebook lives.
  • Creating YouTube Videos
  • Online events
  • Give online programs
  • Scan messages on your Linked-in timeline to find new collaboration opportunities
  • Follow online programs and pieces of training when you have the time now, so you will be able to transform your business with this new knowledge
  • Take on short term online group programs for the next coming weeks. 

Yes, you do need to know a little bit about online technique but it is not abracadabra

So, are you taking action and finding new solutions or do you believe this is the end of your business? A successful businesswoman will be creative and will find solutions.

And when you need advice, I am here to help you.

You can always schedule a short one-on-one call with me so I can help you with advice on how to move on from wherever you are right now. In the footer, you will find a link to schedule a call.

Do you want to grow your business during the crisis?

When you want to know more about Tineke Rensen?

Tineke Rensen is in business for 29 years. She built an international Outdoor and Survival business from scratch and sold this after 22 years.

Tineke was a national whitewater kayaking champion.


She now is one of the most all-round business accelerators you can find. There are very few topics she cannot help you within your business. Many people find it hard to believe when they hear this. How much do you think you know about a topic if you live it day and night for 28 years?

Tineke works with female business owners to grow to their full business potential. She uses her own system the “Blueprint for a Successful Business Makeover”. She is a women’s business coach.


Download the free report of the though row study: How Women do Business”

Or you can buy my book. Maximum Business Growth for Women


You can also have a look at my Tineke Rensenwebsite

Or apply for a free next level consultation of half an hour.

If you want to connect with businesswomen from all over the world you can become a member of our Powerful Business Women’s Facebook Group

If you want to watch business videos with Tineke Rensen you can like the Powerful Business Academy Youtube Channel

Tineke is the CEO of Powerful Business Academy, which is situated in The Netherlands.


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questions to ask your business coach

What does a baby have in common with your business and with business coaches?

Well, for many of us our business is like our child.

If you have children, you might remember what it was like when you just had your first baby.

For me it was like this:

With my first one, I felt very insecure. I wanted to know that I was doing exactly the right thing. I read books, I asked my own mother, I made sure to go to every monthly check-up at the baby consultation bureau. In my country, they are THE authority for monitoring the growth and wellbeing of your baby.

As each appointment approached, I made sure I was prepared. I had a book where everything about my daughter’s growth was recorded and monitored, and I always took it with me. Anything and everything I wanted to know, I asked. And I took their advice very seriously. When there was a concern, they sent me to a specialist. Luckily, the only time this happened, it turned out that there was nothing wrong.

The point I’m making is this: there was nobody else I would have listened to, or taken the advice of, than THE authority. I only wanted the best for my baby. And I knew I had to learn and grow into becoming a mom.


How about our other baby, our business?

Many of us behave completely differently with our business.

One authority in this field is the chamber of commerce, yet most of the people who work there never had a business of their own. It makes you wonder, how can they give sound advice to people who are starting a business?

Add to this the enormous number of business coaches who never had a business of their own either but are very eager to help you grow your business. These “business coaches” have only one business model: to get as many business owners as their clients. And usually, they can only teach you the strategy they use themselves (which is the way they got these business owners as their clients).

Whilst the advice given by the experts of the baby consultation bureau is free, business advice is not.


What 10 years of business mentoring has taught me

If there’s anything the past 10 years of mentoring businesswomen has taught me, it’s that the same issues recur when women want to grow their businesses.

This is why I created The Women’s Blueprint for Business Success” 

with nine areas that are essential to master when you want to grow your business.

This article builds on Area 9, Help & Support. There are a total of 9 areas, all interrelated. Focusing on just one area will not bring a significant difference to your business. Each one affects the other. So, if you’re serious about scaling and growing your business, you must consistently work in ALL areas.

blueprint for women

What is a Business Blueprint?

A business blueprint is a strategic plan that guides female entrepreneurs on the productivity requirements, the necessary jobs, the milestones, the targets, and the expected outcomes. A business blueprint is a plan for how you will strategically execute your business.


We often behave differently when we need to pay for help

business coach

We think we’d be as picky about getting the best advice for our business, the same way we are with our baby. But sadly, most people are not.

For baby help, we are not being sold to. We listen to doctors, midwives, and other healthcare professionals because they are certified and trained in that area. They are the experts.

On the other hand, for business advice, people hardly do the same. They listen not to those who are qualified and have business experience of their own, but to those who can sell to them the best.

And these “business coaches,” can sell themselves very well. They speak your language, they show you what you lack, they rub in your pain points, they ask you exactly the right questions and show you what your business can be like in the future. They are trained, yes. But they are trained to sell to you. And more often than not, they do not have any business of their own.


How on earth can someone who never had a business of their own advise a business owner to grow her business?

And that is exactly what is happening all the time. Over and over and over. The business coaching industry consists of lots of people who have no clue.

Many of them joined some training programs with some business mentors, and they go on to teach other people the same things. Basically,, they are interns with no proper experience yet. They have not seen proof that it works until you become their client.


Would you take advice for your baby from an intern?


business coach


As a parent, you wouldn’t. Yet, many businesswomen do.

It amazes me how many people become business coaches with very little business experience of their own, and how easily they get clients. It is the reason I am very reluctant to use “business coaching” for what I do.

I sold my first business after 22 years. After all that time, I figured I knew quite a lot about business, and I wanted to help other business owners with my own experience. I’d heard that this was called consulting or coaching.

There was one time that I was in a networking event and I introduced myself as a business coach. This person said:

“Oh, are you one of those who teach people how to grow their business without having experience at all?”

I was shocked and offended. He’d only had a business for 3 years. Who was he to say that to me?

But really it had nothing to do with me. It was the word ‘business coach’ that did it.

At that time I had no idea where this came from.

Now, more than 10 years later, I completely understand. It saddens me to see how many business coaches there are with no business experience, and how many clients they get because they can sell very well.


The methods they use to get you as their client might not work at all for you to get your clients.

It has happened to me many times. I did exactly what they told me to do. I am not a quitter, but I got nowhere near the results they promised. They did not tell me how many years it took them, and they could not show me other ways than their only success formula to get new clients.

You see, there are hundreds of success formulas to grow your business. There is never only one way.

Even after being in business for 30 years, I myself still hire business coaches. There is always a lot to learn. And when you teach other people, you should always be updated with the latest. Every good coach has a coach. And I am very critical about who should be my coach. They should be good enough to teach me.


Everybody should be critical


business coach


So how can you find a good business coach?

There are some questions you should ask this person.

From experience, I know that not many businesswomen ask these questions.

If you ask me these questions, I can answer all of them. And if you think these are leading questions that will frame me in such a way that I am one of the few who could answer, feel free to ask me your own questions. Try me out.


A good business coach should be able to

  • listen to you
  • ask you the right questions
  • teaches you new skills
  • give you advice (In every area of your business)

He or she is a coach, trainer, teacher and mentor. In my opinion, these are all the qualities you should look for when you search for help to grow your business.


A good business coach is someone

  • who is a generalist and can help you in all fields of your business.
  • who has a lot of experience and had lots of clients.
  • with a large network and is happy to connect you with these people.
  • who can send you to a trusted specialist when you need specialist advice.

That is exactly the same way the baby consultation bureaus operates.

They answer all the questions you have, and when this is really not possible, they will send you to a specialist.

business coach

If you think, “I am just a beginner everybody can help me,” just remember what you would do if it was your baby. Would you do the same? You were also a beginner mum, but you wanted the best advice for your baby. You DESERVE to have the best advice for your business too.

Don’t join a group program where you will have no one-on-one sessions with the coach. You need to be able to have tailored advice to your situation. And you should be able to get answers to your specific questions. If this is not something you can afford, I suggest you wait until you have saved some more money.

When they ask you a huge amount of money when you want to work one-on-one with them, and they cannot answer all the questions on this list positively, you know there are only a few things they can do very well. And one of this is selling to you! Not to mention positioning and branding themselves.

When they give you no time to think about it, they know that once you end your conversation, you’ll have time to come to your senses and come up with rational reasons not to work with them. This is a common selling trick.

I personally believe that we should respect the clients enough to make their own solid decisions by themselves. So, when they want to think about it, I always respect that and give them some time. This is one of the ways you know that a business coach is worth checking out.


Here are the 20 questions you should ask a coach before you start working with him or her:


1. How many businesses do you have?

They should have at least two different businesses. When the only business they have is coaching and teaching you how to grow your business, be careful.

2. How many years of business experience have you had before you started coaching?

The minimum should be 10 years of business experience. My standard is that they should have had a business before they even start helping others grow theirs.

3. How many clients have you coached one-on-one before?

This is when you’re not looking for a group program.

4. Have you hired contractors and employed people before?

When they say that this is too much risk, take note. This depends on the contract, the business, and the circumstances.

5. Who are your own coaches/trainers?
6. Do you have testimonials? Can you give me a few phone numbers of your clients so I can call them for reference?
7. Can you estimate how large your personal trusted network is?

This doesn’t mean social media networks. This is an important factor when you are looking for them to introduce you to their network.

8. Can I have your cellphone number to call you when I have an emergency?
9. Can you help me with minor things outside of our one-on-one sessions?
10. How big is your team?

The experience they have in building and training team members is important when you want to expand your own team.

11. Do you know the basics of business law and fiscality’s?
12. Have you ever worked with a client in a similar niche as I am?
13. I want to grow internationally, have you done the same?

Take note that working online internationally is completely different from working internationally offline.

14. Can you help me with ALL areas of my business? Or does your expertise only cover one or a few areas?
15. Can you help and guide me when my business expands exponentially?
16. Can you continue to help me when I grow into the next phase of my business?

Are they experienced enough to help you for years and years to come? Or can they only guide you in a certain phase of your business, such as when you are just starting out?

17. Do you have an annual plan and a financial plan? Do you work with targets every month?
18. Do you understand how women operate when doing business?

Sometimes, you might want to work with a male business coach because they can help you strengthen some of the traits that women are not naturally good at. Or you might prefer a woman because she understands exactly what you need and what you are going through? No matter what your preference is, it is best that they can do both. There are many women after all who have operated and thrived in male-dominated industries 

19. Can you give me a guarantee of my outcome?
20. Can you help me monitor my growth?


Growing your business is one thing but managing it while it grows is completely different.

It involves hiring people, outsourcing to them, monitoring their output, and much more.

I hope this list is helpful to you. And I designed it to make sure that you become discerning and critical when you are in the process of hiring a coach.

I absolutely recommend that everybody hire a business coach. Business is often about trial and error. With a coach, you will be able to skip many of these phases. And while there are a lot of business coaches out there, I hope you recognize the difference in the quality and business experience of each one. I hope that you want only the best for your business. Hiring a coach costs money, yes, but ultimately, it is an investment in your business and yourself.


Learn more

My name is Tineke Rensen and I am a business coach for women. I created the system “A Women’s Blueprint for Business Success,” where I work with female entrepreneurs in 9 major areas in their business.

There are many out there who call themselves “business coaches” but have never had their own business. What you need is a business coach who has experience in scaling and growing businesses. And I’ve had plenty. In my 31 years of experience, I’ve become an expert on many areas, and I can help you with whatever topic you need help with. Because it NEVER is about changing just one thing that’ll pivot your business around

If you want to learn more about what makes a good business coach for women check out this article about the 20 questions you should ask a business coach for female entrepreneurs.

Interested to learn how you can work with me one-on-one to build your one-woman gig to a proper business and double your income within a year? Click here now to schedule a quick 15-minute call with me and get started.


About the author:

Tineke Rensen

Tineke Rensen is in business for 29 years. She built an international Outdoor and Survival business from scratch and sold this after 22 years. Tineke was a national whitewater kayaking champion.
She now is one of the most all-round business accelerators you can find. There are very few topics she cannot help you with your business. Many people find it hard to believe when they hear this. How much do you think you know about a topic if you live it day and night for 28 years?
Tineke works with female business owners to grow to their full business potential. She uses her own system the “Blueprint for a Successful Business Makeover”. She is a women’s business coach.

Tineke is the author of “Maximum Business Growth For Women”

Maximum Business Growth For Women

If you want to watch business videos with Tineke Rensen you can like the Powerful Business Academy Youtube Channel



successful in Business

Being a woman in business has 2 sides.

  1. It is great to be free and making your own decisions and grow in any way which suits you best. To work with whoever you choose to work with. To work whenever you want and wherever you want and to create and sell whatever you want to sell.
  2. It can also be very demanding, overwhelming and frustrating. It seems that there is too much to do in your business and then also at home.And how can you change the part of overwhelm whilst running your business?

Nowadays many women quit their corporate job and start their own business. This is GREAT!
They will soon find out it is not as easy as they thought it would be.

You are always good at something when you start your business. Most likely this “something” is your service or product. That is great. But that does not mean you will get heaps clients who are knocking on your door to buy it.

Having your own business you can compare with having 10 different jobs, or even more, at the same time and that is a whole different game.

Let us have a look at some of the skills the business owner has to master (our outsource in some occasions)

  1. You have to promote yourself.successful in Business

    And this is something which is not an easy skill. Women do not like to brag. (See my study How Women do Business). Knowing how to promote yourself involves to position yourself and also to know exactly who your ideal clients are. Having business cards and a website is not enough. This is only the beginning.

  2. You have to brand yourself.

    This is about you and who you want to communicate to. What logo do you choose which fonts do you choose what colors which kind of design?

  3. You have to develop products or services.

    Often Women know what they want to offer and they often don’t know what they are VERY good at.

  4. You have to be able to sell.

    When you have little confidence this is not an easy task and outsourcing sales or training yourself in sales skills is a good idea. The most important thing here is, you really need to stretch yourself and get out of your comfort zone.

  5. They get overwhelmed with too many tasks.

    businesswomanYes, there are a lot of things you need to do when you have your own business. And I know for a fact that over 60 % of the women never make a plan. (See study How Women do Business) And this is something which really helps. A plan gives direction and creates focus.
    Big, medium and small goals, they all can be added to the plan. I would suggest only to add big and medium goals. The small tasks you can add in your weekly calendar.

  6. You have to take care of the admin work

    Answering emails, phone-calls, creating systems, invoicing, sending out offers all tasks that need to be done, and maybe you are used to having a department who did this for you?

  7. You have to take care of your marketing

    successful in BusinessOffline or online Advertising, social media marketing, FB advertising, SEO (Search engine optimization of your website) There are soo many different ways to market your business. Every business is different and every business owner is different. Not every marketing strategy will work for you.


  8. You have to be the manager

    Whether you have management experience or not, you will have to start to manage your team. This can be the bookkeeper, the web-developer, the designer, the assistant. And when you have none of those people working for you you have to manage yourself. There is now no-one you need to report to except yourself. So how do you keep yourself accountable?

  9. You need to create strategic alliances

    To grow your business you need to work with partnerships or strategic alliances, where you collaborate. This can be in various fields, for example sponsoring, referring new clients, knowledge exchange and more.

  10. You have to be a great decision-maker.

    Making decisions even when you have no idea what to do and how it will work out is a skill which is very much needed in entrepreneurship. Sometimes there is not enough time to find out everything you want to know, Sometimes it is a great opportunity. There will be many occasions where you have to make decisions. You will dot this every day when you are in business. And often you cannot go to someone to seek advice. You are supposed to be the one who knows.

  11. And many other things I did not mention here.

    And here are only 10 things you need to be good at when you start or run your own business.
    So when we now go back to the question we asked you in the beginning:

“ How can you ever be successful in Business when there are so many things you need to do”.

There are some great solutions to get better in all these “jobs”.

Just do it and learn with trial and error, is one solution which most business owners in particular men, choose.

Invest in training to learn each and every skill is another solution.

The best way though is to seek a mentor who has a lot of experience with all these fields because she has been out there long enough. That long that there are no more secrets to doing business.

You can contact me at all times.

If you are ambitious and you love to grow your business join our international Facebook group where businesswomen from all over the world share their ideas about growing their business.” And besides that, you’ll get a ton of value of the admin of the group, Tineke Rensen. Check out the website why you should become a member.

When you want to know more about Tineke Rensen?

Tineke Rensen is in business for 29 years. She built an international Outdoor and Survival business from scratch and sold this after 22 years.

Tineke was a national whitewater kayaking champion.


She now is one of the most all-round business accelerators you can find. There are very few topics she cannot help you within your business. Many people find it hard to believe when they hear this. How much do you think you know about a topic if you live it day and night for 28 years?

Tineke works with female business owners to grow to their full business potential. She uses her own system the “Blueprint for a Successful Business Makeover”. She is a women’s business coach.


Download the free report of the thoughrow study: How Women do Business”

Or you can buy my book. Maximum Business Growth for Women


You can also have a look at my website

Or apply for a free next level consultation of half an hour.

If you want to connect with businesswomen from all over the world you can become a member of our Powerful Business Women’s Facebook Group

If you want to watch business videos with Tineke Rensen you can like the Powerful Business Academy Youtube Channel

Tineke is the CEO of Powerful Business Academy, which is situated in The Netherlands.


phone              +31(0)15-7851592


scaling models for businesswomen

How do you find the scaling model to grow your business which suits you?

Nowadays most businesswomen only hear that you can grow your business online.

There is a lot of focus on online advertising, email marketing, social media marketing, linked-in marketing, writing blogs, recording videos and more.

And yes all of these actions are possibilities to grow your business. But the more traditional models from before we did business online, still work very well.

Only one scaling model is being taught nowadays

It is not a surprise that the old school methods are not well known. A lot of the business coaches that are out there only know the online scaling model, because it is THE way they grow their own business. And because it works for them they teach this model to businesswomen.

Spending a lot of time online is distracting

scaling models for businesswomenYour clients might not be so much online. I often hear from my own clients that they don’t spend a lot of time online since they find it distracting and a waste of their time.

Many self-employed businesswomen spend a lot of time online. Could there be a correlation between the small business they often have and the time they spend online and the way they desperately try to grow their business with only one method?

It is all about serving more clients

When you want to grow your business seriously there are more ways to grow and stopping to surf the internet will give you a lot more time to work ON sustainable business growth.

And although often you might not know how to do this, and it might even be scary….

In your heart, you really want to serve more clients.

And there are people out there who can help you to choose the model which suits you and then execute a strategy together with you.

Growing your business is so much fun.

scaling models for businesswomenIt is nearly every business women’s desire, and because she does not know how too, her business often remains (very) small. That is such a waste of potential since we need bigger businesses of women out there in the big business world.

When you have trained your brain well enough to make sure you

  • do not feel overwhelm
  • do doubt yourself
  • can easily go outside your comfort zone
  • can get rid of having to have control all the time

Then growing your business is a lot of fun and it is very rewarding because you’ll serve more people.

Here are some of the old school scaling models

  1. Employing people
  2. Find a business partner
  3. Train the trainer
  4. Improve your off-line sales strategy
  5. Ambassadors program
  6. Strategic alliances
  7. Visit networking events
  8. Exhibit on expo’s
  9. Growing internationally
  10. Find agents
  11. Cold calling
  12. Franchising

In the next series of blogs, I will explain about all the different models.

So stay tuned and find me on social media or in your inbox.

Do you want to grow your business some other ways along-with online advertising?

With the level of competition among online businesses, chances are some company somewhere that is in direct competition with you.With this tremendous competition it’s nearly impossible to get desired number of clients from online.And this is not the only way you want to grow your business.


If you are ambitious and you love to grow your business join our international Facebook group where businesswomen from all over the world share their ideas about growing their business.” And besides that, you’ll get a ton of value of the admin of the group, Tineke Rensen. Check out the website why you should become a member.

When you want to know more about Tineke Rensen?

Tineke Rensen is in business for 29 years. She built an international Outdoor and Survival business from scratch and sold this after 22 years.

Tineke was a national whitewater kayaking champion.


She now is one of the most all-round business accelerators you can find. There are very few topics she cannot help you within your business. Many people find it hard to believe when they hear this. How much do you think you know about a topic if you live it day and night for 28 years?

Tineke works with female business owners to grow to their full business potential. She uses her own system the “Blueprint for a Successful Business Makeover”. She is a women’s business coach.


Download the free report of the thoughrow study: How Women do Business”

Or you can buy my book. Maximum Business Growth for Women


You can also have a look at my Tineke Rensenwebsite

Or apply for a free next level consultation of half an hour.

If you want to connect with businesswomen from all over the world you can become a member of our Powerful Business Women’s Facebook Group

If you want to watch business videos with Tineke Rensen you can like the Powerful Business Academy Youtube Channel

Tineke is the CEO of Powerful Business Academy, which is situated in The Netherlands.


phone              +31(0)15-7851592


Social Expectations for Businesswoman

Realizing your Own Career Aspiration

As a young girl, you may have had many career aspirations. You may have wanted to be a teacher, a lawyer, a marine biologist, or perhaps, a cowgirl. It is children’s nature to let their imaginations take them to many dreams and aspirations. However, as they grow older, these dreams become more structured and realistic. You may have pictured yourself growing up to be strong and successful, just like the female role models in your life and imagine yourself as a successful businesswoman

Overcoming Social Expectations

Later at a point in life, some of you who are reading this might have realized your one true career aspiration, is to own a business. Yes, that’s right! and here you are reading this as a female entrepreneur with so many career goals while quite a number of difficulties are also piercing through your mind.

Do the Only Successful Entrepreneurs come from the Masculine Gender?

Nevertheless ladies, believe me you have the courage and you are at the right place and you sure can face it and overcome it and you can be a powerful businesswoman. “The Social Expectations”. The social impact is apparent in the differences in advice given to males compared to females, even at a young age. Girls are often encouraged to be responsible and organized. It can be argued that boys do not feel obligated to have these attributes in order to succeed.

Old School Categorizing || Girls vs Boys Judging by their Neatness of School Work.

Remember when one of your classmates submitted an assignment without Social Expectations for Businesswomansigning their name in school? One of the most common practices for finding the author, was to analyze the neatness of the handwriting. It was common for a messy assignment to be attributed to a male, while neat handwriting would be found to have a female author. Was this just a result of stereotypes or did girls really put more value on neat writing than boys? What about you? To which category did your handwriting fell in to?

Women need not be inside a frame when performing their best

We teach women to be good students in school. To write neatly. To color within the lines. When women enter the workforce, we tell them to perfect their PowerPoints for an idea pitch. We tell them to practice only the common methods, some which have been tried and succeeded, but some of those which will never prove a point as the result depends on the nature of your business.

A Little help now & then won’t Hurt

You need more than a team, a dream, a proposal to get investors to get their wallets out of their pockets. Women seek more help and support. They are often insecure about their ideas and strategies, while a man just believes he can, a woman needs more encouragement to believe the same. Working with an all-round business mentor will help tremendously who has made some effort not always trying to be prim & prom like a lady but tried some of the things the masculine way too.

Being bold and self-respect to become a successful businesswoman

What women really need, perhaps, is to be advised to be bold. You must value Social Expectations for Businesswomanyourselves for more than your practical skills, but rather, you are appreciated for your ideas, innovativeness, bravery & you must not fear to fail. It’s time to stop the behaviors that put destructive unconscious thoughts in the minds of young girls that later present in their sense of self-worth. If this can be accomplished, women may be willing to be braver, to go further, and to expect more out of themselves than they have in the past. Which results in more women being a businesswoman and also having bigger businesses than then is the case now.

Final Outcome, A Result of Clearing all Societal Obstacles || Success

A result of making this change, is Tineke Rensen who started her business very young, entered the male dominated sport “Whitewater Kayaking” & became the National Champion who also used great qualities of the young woman in her; the title “Female Entrepreneur”  Is now a days a lot more common from when she started, 30 years ago and is now a more common goal for young girls, such as her very own daughter and for the businesswoman.

If you are ambitious and you love to grow your business join our international Facebook group where businesswomen from all over the world share their ideas about growing their business.” And besides that, you’ll get a ton of value of the admin of the group, Tineke Rensen. Check out the website why you should become a member.

When you are a businesswoman and you want to know more a
bout Tineke Rensen?

Tineke Rensen is in business for 29 years. She built an international Outdoor and Survival business from scratch and sold this after 22 years.

Tineke was a national whitewater kayaking champion.


She now is one of the most all-round business accelerators you can find. There are very few topics she cannot help you within your business. Many people find it hard to believe when they hear this. How much do you think you know about a topic if you live it day and night for 28 years?

Tineke works with female business owners to grow to their full business potential. She uses her own system the “Blueprint for a Successful Business Makeover”. She is a women’s business coach.


Download the free report of the thoughrow study: How Women do Business”

Or you can buy my book. Maximum Business Growth for Women


You can also have a look at my website

Or apply for a free next level consultation of half an hour.

If you want to connect with businesswomen from all over the world you can become a member of our Powerful Business Women’s Facebook Group

If you want to watch business videos with Tineke Rensen you can like the Powerful Business Academy Youtube Channel

Tineke is the CEO of Powerful Business Academy, which is situated in The Netherlands.


phone              +31(0)15-7851592


Outsourcing for Businesswomen

Overall, businesswomen find it difficult to start outsourcing.

They hesitate and postpone because they:

  1. think they can do a better job themselves
  2. think it is cheaper when they do it themselves
  3. are afraid that something will go wrong with their clients
  4. are afraid of losing control
  5. believe it will cost them too much time
  6. don’t know who to outsource to
  7. when do you outsource a task
  8. do not create systems which makes outsourcing easier

So, in a businesswoman’s mind, there are a lot of reasons to keep doing everything by themselves.

Outsourcing is a fantastic way to grow your business

What most businesswomen want is to grow their business. And guess what? Outsourcing is a great way to start managing your growth. You cannot grow fast or big when you keep doing everything yourself. I always call this, the Me-Myself-and-I businesses. Unless it is a deliberate choice to stay small with the business these Me-Myself-and-I businesswomen are often

  • frustrated
  • overwhelmed with difficulties and the number of tasks they need to do
  • tight on budget
  • juggling with time
  • blaming themselves because they do not have the results, they desire

Their business is not bringing them what they dreamed of.

It is a phase in your business where you should spend as little time as possible. And outsourcing is one of the possibilities to scale up your business. And you can keep scaling up like this no matter how big you want to grow your business.

So when you are ambitious and growth is not working for you the way you planned it read the tips in this article.

1. They think they can do a better job themselves

businesswomenThis is often not true unless it is the area where they have been a specialist in for many years. Running your business needs a tremendous amount of specialists. No businesswomen can be good at all of this. I often hear when it comes to outsourcing social media that the other person does not communicate the way she wants. Well, guess what it takes a little time for the other person to start to get used to your way of communicating. And you can also ask this person to send you an overview of all the messages for the week and adjust and then approve them before posting.

Nobody is better than a specialist, so why do you want to become a specialist in all areas of doing business?

2. They think it is cheaper when they do it themselves

Many businesswomen do not outsource because they are trapped in the mindset that they believe it is cheaper to do it themselves.

This is often not true. It costs time to learn a new skill. This often goes with frustration about the difficulties of learning it and the disappointments about the results. And then they invest in training. And guess what, you will never have the results these specialists have. They promise you mountains but don’t forget they have been training themselves for years to tweak their approach and techniques to get the results they have. Are you willing to spend that much time as well? For just one specialism in business?

So all the time and money you spend to learn it yourself often does not bring you the results you want.

Had the task been outsourced from the beginning money would have been made already because the specialist knows how to do this.

3. Are afraid that something will go wrong with their client

Yes, that is definitely a possibility. But why freak out about it when it has not even happened yet. And when it does you just solve the issue and apologize. The world does not stop when that happens. Women are so much service-oriented that they want nothing to two wrong. That is wishful thinking.

The person you outsource too has to learn and when they learn you can count on mistakes to be happening. In my opinion that should not stop you from starting to outsource.

These businesswomen make mistakes themselves as well. It is a part of the game of learning and growing for businesswomen.

4. Are afraid of losing control

There is no need for that. There are various tools nowadays where you can delegate and check the progress. You can ask them to report back to you how often you want.

But bear in mind, when you do outsource to a professional often, they know a lot better than you, so why don’t you trust them a little more?

5. Believe it will cost them too much time

Outsourcing for BusinesswomenYes, it will cost time to delegate. Especially in the beginning, you both have to get used to how to communicate. You have to show someone else to do a task that you can do in 10 minutes and it might take you 20 minutes to start to delegate it.

And it might take you another 10 minutes to check it and give feedback.

But you only do this once or twice. After that, it will save you time.

You need to be prepared to spend time to delegate tasks to someone and it could take you months before you really start to see the benefit. But when you want to scale top your business and do more of the things you are good at and make your money with, it is a period you have to go through.

6. Don’t know who to outsource to

Yes, you can pick the wrong person to outsource to. Someone who does not deliver the results you are looking for. Someone who might even con you. But is that the reason to keep your business small and keep doing everything yourself.

There are many platforms now always where you can find freelancers. If one does not deliver what you want, just move on to the next one. Ask on LinkedIn if you are looking for someone. Before you start working with them ask for references. Test them by having them do a little task first.

7. When do you outsource a task?

Check out this marvellous image which tells you when you need to outsource a task.


Outsourcing for Businesswomen

8. Do not create systems which makes outsourcing easier

When you outsource you have to create systems of your tasks. Everything you want to outsource has to be documented clearly, with screenshots or with a describing video, of where to click and what to add where.

So, every task has a beginning and an end and every sub-task within the big task need to be documented. Yes, that takes time. But it helps you to go through your work in a systematized way, which is very good. And once documented you can outsource it to everybody. If they are able to follow closely the steps you have documented, with links, screenshots, tutorial videos, etc. it is easy to outsource stuff.

When you think now, that is too much work for me, I rather do it myself. then you have missed the point of this blog. growing does not always come easy. And going from one place to another phase means you need to stretch yourself and you will need to learn new things. And one thing is to learn how to outsource and delegate. Once you have mastered this, it becomes fun.

And all the simple things you don’t have to anymore. How much time will you save with that?

All the things you don’t like to do you can outsource too. How much more fun will you have then?

Good luck with outsourcing.

When you are businesswomen and you want to know more about Tineke Rensen?


Tineke Rensen is in business for 29 years. She built an international Outdoor and Survival business from scratch and sold this after 22 years.

Tineke was a national whitewater kayaking champion.


She now is one of the most all-round business accelerators you can find. There are very few topics she cannot help you within your business. Many people find it hard to believe when they hear this. How much do you think you know about a topic if you live it day and night for 28 years?

Tineke works with female business owners to grow to their full business potential. She uses her own system the “Blueprint for a Successful Business Makeover”. She is a women’s business coach.


Download the free report of the thoughrow study: How Women do Business”

Or you can buy my book. Maximum Business Growth for Women


You can also have a look at my website

Or apply for a free next level consultation of half an hour.

If you want to connect with businesswomen from all over the world you can become a member of our Powerful Business Women’s Facebook Group

If you want to watch business videos with Tineke Rensen you can like the Powerful Business Academy Youtube Channel

Tineke is the CEO of Powerful Business Academy, which is situated in The Netherlands.


phone              +31(0)15-7851592


Female Quota

We NEED more women playing in the bigger league

It is proven when more women take high positions, the happiness and well-being of the workforce will improve. The profit of the company grows and there is more harmony everywhere.

Why is it then that there are so few women in boardrooms?

There are many reasons I can see, such as:

Men are operating on a higher level so much longer than women are.

Not so long ago our moms were not working. They were at home taking care of the children and the household. Women still need to get used to the fact that working full time and have a high position or big business is totally possible. Also when having children.

Women position themselves differently than men

When a woman is asked for a position she will hesitate when she sees tasks she is not yet capable of. Men figure they will find out and are not hindered by that fact.

Women like to be modest men like to bluff

Women will only mention something as one of her assets when she has accomplished it. And even then she will think of it as bragging. Men don’t think that way, they are proud of their achievements and for them, it is important to get the status that goes with the assets.

The old boy’s network

Men have strong bonds and connections and are strategic in their networking. Female QuotaTherefore they often hear from first hand when a position will be available. And this is a system, that keeps itself in place. I am not saying this is on purpose and that women are not welcome.

I cannot speak from my own experience because I have always had my own business, but from what I hear when a woman reaches the top she often is not supporting other women. If that is true that is awful, because she, for sure, she did not get there without the support of other men and women.

Women need to support each other the same way men do and also create strong bonds.

Strategic networking with networks for women who have high positions is a good idea.

The part-time mentality

My country, The Netherlands is a bad example when it comes to working part-time. We are the worlds number one with women working in part-time jobs. I’ve read when every woman in my country would work 1 more hour there would be no vacancies and our economy would grow enormously. Working part-time is a choice.  When doing so, operating in the big league will be very difficult because often many hours are required with the top positions.

After every strong man stands a strong woman

It takes a strong and emancipated husband to support his wife to work full-time and let her bring in more money while he steps back a little. For us women, this is often a natural step to take. But the other way around seems to be more difficult.

Many women don’t consider a position in an advisory board

Why is this the case? Simply because they have not heard about it. For a long time, I was not even aware that such an entity existed. I always thought it would stop when you are the highest director.

The women are not there

This is what is often the reason why a vacant commissioners function is taken by yet another man. But there is searching and searching. And finding the right women needs a different approach than the current ones. Yes, probably more time is needed. But the women are there!

Women are overruled more easily.

I heard of a story wherein the advisory boardroom with 4 women and 3 men, Female Quotasomehow the men managed to make the decisions. What happened? Men did what they always do. Talk to each other in the breaks and creating bonds and alliances, when the women were drinking a coffee and using the breaks to relax and chit chat. When the meeting continued the men advocated their common decisions and the women were not prepared. I am bot blaming either of them, there is just learning here.

My personal opinion about female quota

I have always been against a female quota because my statement was “women need to start working more if they have big ambitions and learn to manage their household and kids better and delegate more.” It is what I did with my business.

I started small as most of us do, but my business did not stay small. And when the kids came that was a great opportunity for me to learn to delegate and outsource more. My first employee entered the business when I took pregnant leave. And when you have one staff member, the step to more is a lot easier.

I now think differently about female quota because of all the unconscious biases we still have about men and women in the working arena.

In my own area “Women in Business” the same issues are at play.

  • Women do not start a business as often as men.
  • Women’s businesses are a lot smaller than those of men.
  • They take fewer risks, (which can also be good, but growth will go slower)
  • They position themselves not a strong as they are.
  • Also, they have less affinity with the money part of the business.

In this article, I took the black and white position to make things clear. There are many women who are different and there are many men who are different too. And there are lots of men who support women and fight for us to be treated equally.

There is so much which women can learn from men though, without becoming a man on heels, wearing a skirt. And of course, this goes vice versa. We can all learn from one another.

When you want to know topic like female quota know more about Tineke Rensen


Tineke Rensen is in business for 29 years. She built an international Outdoor and Survival business from scratch and sold this after 22 years.

Tineke was a national whitewater kayaking champion.


She now is one of the most all-round business accelerators you can find. There are very few topics she cannot help you within your business. Many people find it hard to believe when they hear this. How much do you think you know about a topic if you live it day and night for 28 years?

Tineke works with female business owners to grow to their full business potential. She uses her own system the “Blueprint for a Successful Business Makeover”. She is a women’s business coach.


Download the free report of the thoughrow study: How Women do Business”

Or you can buy my book. Maximum Business Growth for Women


You can also have a look at my Tineke Rensenwebsite

Or apply for a free next level consultation of half an hour.

If you want to connect with businesswomen from all over the world you can become a member of our Powerful Business Women’s Facebook Group

If you want to watch business videos with Tineke Rensen you can like the Powerful Business Academy Youtube Channel

Tineke is the CEO of Powerful Business Academy, which is situated in The Netherlands.


phone              +31(0)15-7851592

goal of your business

Everything we build starts with a foundation. Regardless of whether you are building is abstract or concrete, you have to start with a foundation; and its successor completion depends on how well you build that foundation.
If you have a business or just starting to build one, you need to start with the core: your vision and mission for your company.

You start with your mission. When you set your mission, it should not be about the products or services you provide; it should be about you: who you are and what your goals are. Before you start your business, you must have a mission in mind, since it guides you in making all your business decisions.

goal of your business
As much as possible, it should be your mission, and not anybody else. However, that is not always the case. Businesswomen can sometimes get busy with a consultant who is creating a business mission for them.
Although it is convenient, there’s no one else better to craft your mission than YOU. The mission should match you.  It should move you, and touch you. It should act as a force to propel you, even more, to work hard for your business.

Furthermore, your mission should also attract and move your employees. Otherwise, they’re not a good fit for your company.

Your core values ​​should reflect on your mission. It should be an integral part of knowing what your mission is. For example, if one of your core values ​​is your family, then you’re ignoring yourself, you’re neglecting yourself, then you’ll be in conflict. It’s just a matter of time before guilt starts to sink in. When one of your core values ​​is to be busy and you are busy with other people, then you are also neglecting a part of yourself. The point is your core values ​​should be in sync with your mission and they should be hand-in-hand in building a good foundation for your business or company.

If you are ambitious and you love to grow your business join our international Facebook group where businesswomen from all over the world share their ideas about growing their business.” And besides that, you’ll get a ton of value from the admin of the group, Tineke Rensen. Check out the website why you should become a member.

About the author:

Tineke Rensen

Tineke Rensen is in business for 29 years. She built an international Outdoor and Survival business from scratch and sold this after 22 years. Tineke was a national whitewater kayaking champion.
She now is one of the most all-round business accelerators you can find. There are very few topics she cannot help you with your business. Many people find it hard to believe when they hear this. How much do you think you know about a topic if you live it day and night for 28 years?
Tineke works with female business owners to grow to their full business potential. She uses her own system the “Blueprint for a Successful Business Makeover”. She is a women’s business coach.

Tineke is the author of “Maximum Business Growth For Women”

Maximum Business Growth For Women

If you want to watch business videos with Tineke Rensen you can like the Powerful Business Academy Youtube Channel





challenges for businesswomen


At some point, I was travelling to Zürich in Switzerland. One of my businesses is a businesswomen’s network and I live in the Netherlands.
The network is for international businesswomen and one chapter is stationed in the beautiful city, Zürich, which is surrounded by mountains.
I was only going to stay one night to attend the meeting because of the half years existence celebration, but something happened what changed my mind. I booked another flight and extended my accommodation and rented a car because I was going to stay for 4 days. I had a few Skype meetings planned during those days and I could do those anywhere.

What happened?

Just 4 days when I left for Zürich I heard that my local representative of the “Powerful Business Women’s Network” had to stop because she is pregnant and things became to busy for her. I hardly knew anybody in Zürich, that’s why I work with local representatives.

Would you see this as a disaster or an opportunity?

I chose to see it as an opportunity. I travelled to Zürich with no idea how to approach this, but I knew that I would somehow fix it and travel up and down to Zürich if needed. Because the members deserved good quality meetings.

There are a few things that are important when you face a challenging situation like this. And it is totally different from what every business book, every business guru, and every business strategist tells you.
And it is also very much the opposite of what most businesswomen usually do.
Women like to be totally prepared and in control!
I went to Zürich with no plan.

What does a businesswoman need to do or have?

challenges for businesswomen

  • An unlimited trust in yourself and in the circumstances that will occur. Even if you don’t know yet what will happen. (I call that giving the Universe the possibility of stepping in. Or you could also call it: Set yourself up for great coincidences to happen)
  • An open mind.
  • Stay away from trying to fix it immediately
  • Stay away from making plans immediately.
  • Definitely NOT worry and stress about it. You have to be able to relax about it.

The days before I left, I tried not to worry about it and just did the things I had to do at that time.
I went to bed early because I knew I needed my energy for anything that would come up unexpectedly.
I stayed focused on the idea that a solution would appear. Not knowing what would come and what the solution would be.
The only thing I had decided was to already plan a flight for the next month and give myself a month to find out whatever needed to happen.

Find Potential members

challenges for businesswomen
The day before I left for Zürich, all of a sudden I got a few new Facebook invitations from people in Zürich. One of them seemed like a potential member, so I made an appointment to meet with her. We never met before.
I remembered there was another businesswoman from Zürich who had reached out to me on social media before, but I did not see at the time why we would meet, but now it could become useful to get to know each other, so I made an appointment with her too. We also never met before.

So with 2 appointments in 4 days and some locations, I wanted to scout for possible monthly meetings, and the unlimited believe that I would somehow fix this I left home to the airport in Amsterdam, looking forward to this challenge and opportunity and be ready for whatever would come my way.

Businesswomen need to stay focused and dare to ask

I was very focused during the monthly meeting of our network in Zürich. All the women always pitch and I heard that one person had a lot of connections in big corporate organizations. I know these organizations all have their diversity goals and are looking for ways to match these goals. And one goal could be to sponsor a female business network.

During the networking time, I asked her if she would have time for a meeting in the next coming days and she had. I also told her about the purpose of the meeting. That I needed help finding potential sponsors, locations, and members. (At the time I thought it was very blunt of me but I had not much time in Zürich).

The next day we already met in the morning. What a coincidence that this busy woman had an hour for me the next day! She came prepared and had given it a thought, thanks to my ask and being clear on the purpose of the meeting. I had only seen her once before. She was very happy to help and gave me 3 very interesting connections. One investor with his own location and 2 female networkers with a large network in Zürich and also in London. (And it is not a coincidence that we also have a chapter in London). I tried to get hold of them but they did not have time shortly.

Client binding leads to new ideas for businesswomen

challenges for businesswomen

I had also come up with the idea to meet a few of my Zürich members. I wanted to get to know them, ask them how the meetings were and what they would like to add. This was very helpful and they gave me some new ideas. One of the members invited me to a BNI business networking meeting on Friday morning.

I had to wake up at 5.30 but I decided to do that because I had not planned it and it was a good opportunity. I speak German very well due to my time as a ski-teacher in my early years.

For the first time, I had to pitch in German. That was a challenge but I tried not to worry too much. It went well. And It had a fabulous result. I asked for possible free rooms for our meetings, for sponsors, and for keynote speakers. And know this has to be done in only 40 seconds!

It appeared to be a very productive chapter. Very generous and helpful businesswomen who are very supportive. Also towards me, a total stranger.

The result of the meeting was:

• One room sponsored by a big organization that works with women and who wants to expand to the Netherlands. We will be in touch about this, because I, of course, have connections in the Netherlands.
• One invitation for dinner to discuss to have a meeting with my women at his location.
• I walked up to an insurance company and asked if they would be interested to host a meeting and they were.

The last evening I was invited to one of my Zürich members’ houses. She appears to have a very, very large business women’s network in Switzerland and she just did not have the time yet to invite her network to our former meetings.
We discussed her approach to promote my women’s network to her network.

The last meeting was on Saturday morning with the woman I got to know form FB just 2 days prior to my trip. She wants to become a new member and might even be interested to run the chapter after a while. And I could also connect her to a possible investor in Switzerland and someone who can help her expand to China. And I know very few people in Switzerland still.

This is what all businesswomen should do

challenges for businesswomen

Looking back at this trip and writing this column waiting for my flight, the results are remarkable. I left with two meetings and no plan.
And I come back with

• Lots of invitations (5 minimum) to have free meetings at various locations because they are interested to get to know the high-end businesswomen of my network.
• A new member, who might even be able to run the chapter in the near future.
• Somebody who will actively promote the network to her connections
• 2 possible keynote speakers who I can invite for free.
• Two female networkers I still have to talk to them but who could possibly send new businesswomen to get to know our network in Zürich and London.
• An invitation to go to another BNI chapter, close to Zürich to promote my network over there, with all the new possibility’s that has in store for me.
• I had 9 meetings in total!

Did I know all of this would happen?

No! Not at all!
But I did know things WOULD happen. Because I left my house with the expectation that things would happen that would serve me and the members.

If you are ambitious and you love to grow your business join our international Facebook group where businesswomen from all over the world share their ideas about growing their business.” And besides that, you’ll get a ton of value of the admin of the group, Tineke Rensen. Check out the website why you should become a member.

About the author:

Tineke Rensen

Tineke Rensen is in business for 29 years. She built an international Outdoor and Survival business from scratch and sold this after 22 years. Tineke was a national whitewater kayaking champion.
She now is one of the most all-round business accelerators you can find. There are very few topics she cannot help you with your business. Many people find it hard to believe when they hear this. How much do you think you know about a topic if you live it day and night for 28 years?
Tineke works with female business owners to grow to their full business potential. She uses her own system the “Blueprint for a Successful Business Makeover”. She is a women’s business coach.

Tineke is the author of “Maximum Business Growth For Women”

Maximum Business Growth For Women

If you want to watch business videos with Tineke Rensen you can like the Powerful Business Academy YouTube Channel